Over 100 volunteers in Ecuador have been unable to save the life of a nine-metre whale shark that washed up on a beach in the small town of Santa Marianita.The female whale shark became stranded on the beach after being caught in shallow waters as the tide went out.

The largest fish in the world, whale sharks can reach a length of 12 meters. They are tiny creatures that feed on plakat and small fish, despite their size.
They are also a protected species, and it is illegal to hunt or harm them.

The whale shark that washed up on the beach in Ecuador was a female, and it is believed that she may have been pregnant.
The cause of her death is not yet known, but it is thought that she may have become disoriented and stranded in the shallow waters.

Over 100 volunteers, including local residents and tourists, worked tirelessly to try and save the whale shark.
They used ropes and nets to try and pull her back into the water, but their efforts were in vain. Despite their best efforts, the whale shark died on the beach.

The death of the whale shark has sparked concern among conservationists, who are calling for greater protection for these gentle giants.
Whale sharks are listed as vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, and their numbers are declining due to overfishing and habitat destruction.