15 Stunning Indoor Plants with Beautiful Flowers That are Easy to Care for at Home

1. Cypress Thuy Narcissus – A domestic plant with beautiful flowers

Using Narcissus trees for decoration is a popular trend today. The plant has a beautiful shape, suitable for indoor decoration or at the desk. Narcissus leaves are a cool green color with a slightly rounded oval shape. The flowers are pure white, gentle. This is a very suitable plant as a domestic flowering plant that readers prefer to grow indoors.

Bach Thuy Tien

In addition, the tree also ensures feng shui for homeowners who require feng shui plants in the house. It is said that, if there is a pot of Bach Thuy Tien in the house, the homeowner will bring luck, fortune and prosperity.

Unlike Bach Thuy Tien, tulips have relatively vibrant and attractive colors. Flowers have a symmetrical bell-shaped or star-shaped form. All tulips have six petals, the petals of which can be smooth, fringed or ruffled. And those are features that are difficult to get in other flowers.

Tulips are easy to grow, with bright, radiant flowers

ɱaпy people think that tulips are difficult to grow and can only be grown in gardens with very good soils. However, you can still grow this plant indoors. By the way it is necessary to place the tulip bulbs in a vase with little water and wait for the bulbs to take root. Once the flower bulbs are rooted, plant them in the ground!

3. Italian Orchids – Domestic plants with easy-to-care flowers

The Italian orchid is also known as White Sail tree with a not too fussy way of growing and easily growing well. However, Italian orchids need soil to have a certain level of moisture but must be porous and ensure drainage. Because it can live in a low light environment, does not require too much watering, it is very suitable for making underwater plants with flowers.

The Italian orchid has the pure beauty of the maiden flower

Orchids grown in water have the effect of clearing the air, absorbing carcinogens such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. In addition, it also has the ability to help absorb artificial radiation emitted from computers, televisions, microwave ovens, electronic watches …

This plant is perfect for desks, study desks, living rooms or decorating cafes and other spaces. While highlighting and having ɱaпy uses, do not hesitate to quickly buy a pot to keep at home.

4. Orchid is grown in water

This is a flowering domestic plant that you can easily grow at home. All you need to prepare are the seed bulbs, a vase, a few stones to hold the bulbs and water. Pour the gravel into the jar first, then place the bulbs on the gravel then pour just enough water so that the plant can grow.

Lan Hui had the physique of a somewhat reserved and shy twenties girl

5. Evening Orchid – Domestic plant with beautiful flowers

Evening Orchid (also known as Da Lan Huong) is a new flower variety. This type of flower is gaining popularity recently. The flower has a relatively pleasant aroma, rather fancy appearance. The plant is suitable for decoration on the living room table or study. This type of flower has ɱaпy colors for you to choose from such as pink, white, purple, blue, red …

Da Lan Huong is cool for summer

You can easily grow these beautiful evening orchids or fairy flowers at home. By buying a bulb of Evening Orchid and planting it in water in a well-lit place. After a while, you will see the bulbs take root and develop into flowers.

6. Hyacinths

Hyacinths are flowering, herbaceous aquatic plants. This plant usually lives floating in water or wet places. The leaves are often intertwined to create a green overview. Petioles swell like hollow spongy bubbles. Hyacinth flowers are usually not too big enough for others to admire its beauty.

Plus, hyacinths can easily grow without soil. Buy hyacinth bulbs to put in an aquarium or a basin of water and carve the plants that will grow and grow unexpectedly.

Hyacinths are domestic plants, easy to multiply and grow well