20 years of unlikely friendship: A ɱaп and his polar bear companion swim together

According to the World Wild Animals Structure, they can swim for days at a speed of about 6 miles per hour despite their enormous weight. In fact, polar bears regularly move from one side of the frozen land to the other in search of food, a journey that can take several hours. They have large paws with sharp claws that help them swim and cling to the ice as they rise to the surface. Polar bears are characterised by the fact that they can only swim with their front paws. The rudder is controlled by the hind legs.

Mark is not only the only ɱaп in the world to have swum with a polar bear, but also the only 60-year-old ɱaп in the world to have swum with a polar bear. And that’s why the polar bear is his lifelong friend. According to the film’s description, Agee, enjoys his routine dives in Mark’s pool. He is 16 years old and weighs over 800 kilos. Agee is kissed, hugged and caressed by Mark. He also hides his head in his big paws. Mark is from Abbotsford, BC, and has been working with animals for over 40 years. He is mainly active as a polar bear trainer. Mark and his wife Dawn trained Agee to act in movies and commercials.

Agee made his film debut in the 1996 movie “Alaska” when he was only a few weeks old. Agee was with Mark and Dawn from the ᴛι̇ɱe he was six weeks old. They bottle-fed her and let her walk around with the other animals in the family. “Agee has spent her whole life with me,” Mark told LADBible. “She’s never very far away. I will stay with her until either she or I die. That’s just the way it is.”

Watch Mike and Agee’s impressive story on the video below!