When you’re looking for a fantastic new tattoo design, things can get overwhelming quickly. Us women have a tendency to be indecisive—in a good way of course—when it comes to settling on a single tattoo design because options of course. And I’m sorry to say, but this fantastic list of tattoos you’re destined to love will only complicate matters further I’m afraid. Below are 60 of the best tattoos you’re likely to see all year. We hope you enjoy them and don’t forget to share and save your favorites!
This cosmic camera.
Okay, so you would think that a list of tattoos for women would only include tattoos on women but embarrassingly enough, that isn’t the case this ᴛι̇ɱe around. It wasn’t until after the lineup was all laid out and the photos uploaded that I noticed an excessive amount of hair on this particular arm and then Oup, it hit me, this cool little camera tattoo belongs to a ɱaп, not a woɱaп, but it was just too cool so I thought you wouldn’t mind. (Photo: Adrian Bascur)
This cherry blossom tree.
Even though it’s fall and cherry blossoms don’t start to bloom until the beginning of April, cherry blossoms possess so much beauty that it’s difficult not to think about them 24/7. Cherry blossoms are the roses of the east, and can be found practically everywhere in most asian cultures regardless of season. The fact that cherry blossoms grow on trees creates unique creative opportunities for artists looking for a break from traditional floral designs. (Photo: IDA)
This Disney castle.
If you’re alive and breathing today, there’s a good chance that Disney played an integral role in your upbringing. Disney has a loyal following which is probably why I see so ɱaпy Disney related tattoos come across my screen everyday. Yes, everyday. I’m not super excited about Disney tattoos but if I came across an artist that could ink me a Cinderella castle like this one, I don’t think I could resist. After all, it is the happiest place one earth. (Photo: Banul)
These tiny blue blossoms.
After searching far and wide, I couldn’t figure out what type of flowers these are which is a rarity because I do take pride in knowing my flowers. My guess would be blue cherry blossoms, but with no reply from the artist I’m only left to speculate. (Photo: Flower)
This watercolor crane.
This example appears to be a Sandhill crane, but again, I’m just guessing as the artist didn’t label this particular design. Large watercolor designs make for great stand-alone tattoos, especially if you have a large space to work with. If this design appeals to you then you should definitely check out Chenjie’s full portfolio which is full of black and grey ink watercolor works with subtle additions of color. (Photo: Chenjie)
This four-leaf clover.
When I was little I spent countless hours looking for four-leaf clovers with my grandma. Unfortunately, I never had any luck. But according to people, they do actually exist. People get tattoos for all sorts of reasons. And getting one for good luck perhaps makes the most sense of all. (Photo: Balazs Bercsenyi)
This lightbulb.
Ever since I started this site, Nando has been one of my go-to artists for high-caliber designs. His mix of creativity and quality is so consistent that every one of his tattoos usually makes one list or another. This lightbulb with a tree inside of it is just the sort of design that any girl looking for something unique and creative would love. (Photo: Nando)
This watercolor Pisces design.
Perfect for those of you who are constantly reading your horoscopes, zodiac symbol tattoo designs have endless creative possibilities and are easy to explain when the inevitable question of “What does it mean?” comes up. The two fish on either side of the constellation give the design some color while keeping it balanced and symmetrical at the same ᴛι̇ɱe. (Photo: Juninho)
This jellyfish.
Jellyfish are 95 percent water, which is why they have an almost translucent appearance. It’s this translucent appearance that makes the jellyfish a rather tricky subject to ink, but when it comes to accuracy, Saegeem hit that nail right on the head. The pastel blues, greens, and purples really complement this particular skin tone. (Photo: Saegeem)
Tinker Bell.
I’m not sure if this tattoo has healed or if the image is just a tad bit fuzzy, but I feel this image doesn’t really do this tattoo justice. There were a few other photos of this tattoo but they mostly show the details of the smoke, pixie dust, or whatever those wisps are supposed to be. I’ve only seen a few Tinker Bell tattoos in the past few years but they’re always great when I do come across them. (Photo: Doy)