If you have a Pinterest or Instagram account, odds are you’ve seen your fair share of dandelion tattoos. More specifically, the design in which the flower’s seeds can be seen blowing off the stem into the air before transforming into birds. While this trend is about as common as any in the industry, it does make for a wondering work of art, which is why it’s become so popular. So popular in fact that about half of all the dandelion designs out there are of this style.
When compiling this list we did our best to sample as ɱaпy different designs as we could find for the sake of variety, but be warned, a large portion of this list is unavoidably dorɱaпt dandelion seeds blowing in the wind. Let’s get started.
This watercolor work.

This connecting composition.

These escaping hearts.

This honeycomb dotwork.

This popular theme.

This connecting wrist piece.

This curious bug.

This color wheel.

This dotwork parachute ball.

This hyperrealism work.