15 Extraordinary Songbirds That You’ll Only Encounter Once in a Lifeᴛι̇ɱe

The Vermilion Flycatcher is an exquisite and elusive backyard bird in the United States, making it a rare sighting that you’ll cherish for a lifeᴛι̇ɱe! chrisncami / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Have you ever had the pleasure of encountering these breathtaking “lifer birds”?

For passionate birdwatchers, spotting a lifer bird is a momentous occasion worth capturing in photographs and sharing on social media. It signifies the first ᴛι̇ɱe they’ve observed a particular species, adding to their birding experiences.

Some birders maintain a checklist of species they aspire to see during their lifeᴛι̇ɱe and are willing to travel great distances for a chance to witness them. However, someᴛι̇ɱes luck smiles upon them, and an extraordinary bird appears unexpectedly.

With over 700 bird species residing in the continental United States and Canada, there’s always the possibility of encountering something “new,” even if you aren’t actively seeking it. Here’s a selection of remarkable birds that have ignited the quests of ɱaпy avid birders:

To catch a glimpse of the Green Jay in the United States, one must venture to the southernmost region of Texas and hope for a sighting of this resplendent creature. BrianLasenby / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Green Jay

These stunning corvids adorned in blue and green employ sticks to extract insects from beneath tree bark, making them one of the rare North American birds that utilize tools. While they inhabit various parts of Mexico, birders specifically journey to the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge nestled in the southeastern corner of Texas for an opportunity to observe them.

Kirtland’s Warblers can be found in the jack pine forests of Michigan and Wisconsin, migrating south to the Bahamas for the winter. Carol Hamilton / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Kirtland’s Warbler

Sporting a dark gray plumage with a lemon-yellow breast, this beauty frequents the jack pine forests of Michigan and Wisconsin. During migration to the southeastern coast, they make their way to their winter abode in the Bahamas.

Embark on a journey along the Gulf of Mexico and through the southern United States to catch a glimpse of this vibrant red and deep brown avian. Neil bowɱaп / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Vermilion Flycatcher

This scarlet bird with black wings and a masked face can be spotted along the rivers of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and the Gulf of Mexico. During courtship, the male offers the female a butterfly or another eye-catching insect as a display of affection.

Although Yellow-breasted Chats inhabit various regions across the United States, they can be challenging to locate due to their preference for dense, shrubby habitats. WilliamSherɱaп / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Yellow-breasted Chat

Widely distributed throughout the continental United States, these striking little birds require a keen eye to spot. They spend their summers in dense, shrubby habitats, where they diligently search for spiders and other insects.

The Red-breasted Sapsucker can be found in the westernmost states of the United States. SteveByland / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Red-breasted Sapsucker

With its striking colors, this woodpecker boldly seeks sap, nectar, and insects in the forests along the Pacific Northwest coast.