An Inspiring Tale: A Compassionate Gentleɱaп Rescues a Malnourished, Flea-Ridden Dog Found on the Roadside

RRSA India rescued a dog named Dharma who had endured unimaginable suffering and had given up hope. Dharma’s fur was covered in dirt and fleas, but thankfully, there were no fractures detected after being taken to the doctor. Unfortunately, Dharma’s inability to walk normally was due to an abnormality in one of his limbs. He had to drag himself from one place to another due to various factors such as trauma, accidents, and heredity. Undoubtedly, Dharma required long-term care to recover. The poor puppy was hospitalized for medical care and constantly howled in agony. Although he was initially afraid of water, he eventually grew accustomed to it.

Despite being covered in sand and grime, he was a lovable dog that deserved to be cherished. Despite being in the early stages of medical treatment and experiencing pain, Dharma had no trouble regaining his footing. However, he required assistance with feeding at the shelter.

As part of his recuperation, Dharma received daily supplements and medication. Despite the difficulties, he exhibited remarkable bravery throughout his treatment. It took him a few weeks to be able to stand on his own, but he was grateful to be in such a beautiful sanctuary. Dharma continued to receive daily therapy and gradually gained strength despite his inability to walk. With access to high-quality medication, caring foster care, and the support of countless well-wishers, he felt safer and healthier each day.

All those who played a role in preserving his existence and ensuring that he has a happy and prosperous future have our deepest gratitude.