“New Horizons Soar: Australia Welcomes its Inaugural Landing of the MQ-4C Triton Surveillance and Reconnaissance Drone”

Australia’s ?irst MQ-4C Triton Remotely Piloted Aircra?t System was rolled out in September as part o? a partnership between the Department o? De?ence, the US Navy and Northrop Grumman. Australian head Air ?orce Capability, Air Vice-Marshal Robert Denney, said the partnership will allow ?or not only intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance roles but it will support a broad range o? joint e??ects and ?ully integrate into Air ?orce’s combat architecture:

“This partnership is pushing the boundaries o? Air Power to pursue a truly advanced plat?orm that will provide both a ?oundational capability and a growth path ?or ?uture decades,” Air Vice-Marshal Denney said. “Once in service, the remotely piloted High Altitude Long Endurance aerial system will signi?icantly enhance our ability to persistently patrol Australia’s north and north-western approaches, in the southwest Paci?ic and south to Antarctica. Triton will complement the surveillance role o? the P-8A Poseidon by providing sustained operations at long ranges, and undertaking a range o? intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance tasks.

Head Aerospace Systems Division, Air Vice-Marshal Leon Phillips, commended De?ence’s e??ective partnership with the United States Navy through the Triton Cooperative Program and with the manu?acturer o? the Triton, Northrop Grumman: “This project is an excellent example o? the success?ul partnership between our two nations and re?lects the collaborative work between De?ence and de?ence industry in delivering this strategic capability,” Air Vice-Marshal Phillips said. “De?ence will invest more than $900 million in the Australian industry, including sustainment, ICT and ?acilities.”

De?ence expects the ?irst o? up to seven Australian MQ-4C Triton aircra?t, including the relevant ground and support systems, to be completed and delivered to Australia in 2024.