The Simba Armored Personnel Carrier: A Private ⱱeпtᴜгe Originating in the UK

The Simba has many automotive features in common with the Saxon APC, but it was designed as a light armored vehicle for a low profile internal security roles. It was developed as a private venture with a view to local manufacture in less developed countries.

The Simba has been selected by Armed Forces of the Philippines, who have ordered 150 units, most of local assembly from knock-down kits. Philippines are the only user of the Simba APCs. These vehicles, most of which are general purpose armored personnel carrier, are operated in the internal security situations.

They have an armored steel hull, armed by a 12.7 mm machine gun in a one man turret. Single or twin 7.62 mm machine guns were optional. Also vehicle is sometimes seen with a mounted 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. TOW or HOT anti-tank guided missile launchers can be fitted.

Up to 10 troops can be carried, but a more comfortable load is 8. A fully dedicated APC could seat up to 12 troops. Troops enter or leave the vehicle via side or rear doors. The driver has a separate roof hatch and is protected by bullet-proof screens.

Vehicle is powered by a Perkins diesel engine, developing 210 hp.

The basic Simba 4×4 can be configured to suit many military and paramilitary functions, from an armored personnel carrier, to a fire support vehicle, mounting a 90 mm gun in a turret (the fire support variant has been trialed). The hull can be converted to carry a turntable mounted 81 mm mortar, firing through opened roof hatches.

An infantry fighting vehicle variant with 20 mm or 25 mm turret-mounted cannon has also been proposed. There is also an internal security vehicle, fitted with a barricade removal device, a turret mounted anti-riot agent projectors, a riot agent filtration system for the vehicle occupants, side mounted riot screens and loudspeakers.