“Radiant Jewel of the Mountains: Unveiling the Himalayan Bluetail’s Fiery Elegance Amidst Sapphire Hues”

clonejoe | May 14, 2021 | Articles

A tiny bird that burns a blazing sapphire blue, a color perfectly enhanced by his burning orange flanks!


The Himalayan bluetail or Himalayan Red-flanked bush-robin (Tarsiger rufilatus), also called the Orange-flanked bush-robin is generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher of Muscicapidae. The male is a brightly-colored bird sporting a bright sapphire blue upper body with an off-white belly and white throat. He has bright orange flanks and a short black bill.

Photo Courtesy of Ramwik / CC BY-SA 4.0

The female is brown in color with a white throat and pale orange flanks.

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She also has a pale blue rump and tail.

Photo Courtesy of Jason Thompson/CC BY 2.0

The Himalayan bluetail, as its name suggests inhabits the mountainous range in countries such as Pakistan, India, Burma, Nepal, Thailand, and China.

In the Himalayas, this species inhabits coniferous forests, from 3,000-4,400 m in altitude, moving to lower altitudes during winter.

The Himalayan blue tails diet consists mainly of insects, but they will someᴛι̇ɱes eat berries and seeds.

This species likes to build their nests near the ground, laying up to five eggs within which are incubated solely by the female.

Due to this species’s wide breeding range, they are considered to be of Least Concern on the ICUN list.