“Growing Orchids 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Beautiful Orchids”

Growing orchids, playing orchids sounds like only for experienced people in growing and caring for orchids, but it is really not too difficult if you really love and have a certain interest. Below, we will guide you on how to grow orchids for beginners in the most detail summarized to help you grow and care for orchids like a pro.

See related image detail. Beautiful Cattleya Orchid in Bloom | Cattleya orchid, Orchid care ...

1. Choosing a variety The first step is extremely important, be careful to choose an orchid variety

at this step as it will influence your decision in the next steps. Orchid varieties in Vietnam have over 800 species. Please refer to the characteristics of the variety you choose to suit the climatic conditions of the place where you plan to plant.

See related image detail. Orchids at Nong Nooch Tropical Garden | Nong Nooch Tropical … | Flickr

Miensrioetami Srioetami

Cattleya Purple Cascade 'Fragrant Beauty' (Interglossa x Tokyo Magic) Z ...


Orchids, Longwood Gardens IMG_0045 | Longwood Gardens, Kenne… | Flickr

Environmental conditions of orchid tissue culture with a temperature of 22-27oC, appropriate light intensity, pH between 5-5.7. Disinfection of tissues with Starner 20 WP implanted with Chlorox or Hipochlorcalcium, supplemented with growth regulators. It is possible to separate sprouts from large orchid pots, each part to 2-3 branches. Use a sharp knife to disinfect with alcohol, the cut should be compact, then apply lime to the cut to quickly heal the scar.

Each orchid variety when choosing needs to pay attention to the factors of temperature, light, altitude of care, humidity … There are factors that can be created by growers to create a sub-climate similar to where the orchid lives, but there are factors that are difficult to adjust, with a large scale growing in a greenhouse, it is possible to do, but with a home orchid garden, it is necessary to choose which orchid is suitable. There is also the caregiver factor, if you are too busy to have much ᴛι̇ɱe, you also need to choose a healthy orchid with minimal care. Healthy living orchid varieties: Cymbidium with hard leaves, strains of the Christmas family, Vanda family, Dendrobium noose, Dancer …

With the size of the home garden, depending on the hot climatic conditions, choose the type of shading net for orchids, in summer often use 60% green net, in winter, choose 40% shade. When planting, it is also necessary to divide the hanging position of the orchid reasonably, the sun-loving plant loves light on high, the plant needs less light than hanging below, usually the sun-tolerant plant will tolerate dryness, the less sun-tolerant plant will be moisture-loving. It is necessary to divide the area of each type to have different care conditions according to each species.

3. Chuẩn bị giá thể và chậu

Có thể lấy than gỗ, xơ dừa, vỏ lạc làm giá để trồng lan. Than gỗ nung cần ᴄҺặᴛ khúc, kích thước 1 x 2 x 3cm, than phải ngâm với nước vôi loãng, rửa sạch, phơi khô. Xơ dừa xé cho tơi ngâm khoảng 1 tuần cho bớt tanin và mặn, phơi khô. Mụn dừa cũng cần rửa sạch phơi khô. Vỏ dừa ᴄҺặᴛ khúc 1 x 2 x 3 cm xử lý bằng nước vôi 5%. Chậu trồng bằng nhựa hay đất nung, kích cỡ tuỳ loại và độ tuổi. Ghéƥ gỗ thì các loại như gỗ nhãn, gỗ cây vú sữa, lũa … ghéƥ gỗ thì phô được bộ rễ đẹp, giống với các sống tự nhiên của các loài lan.

Tùy theo đặc tính ưa ẩm, ưa thoáпg mà bạn lựa chọn giá thể chất trồng lan cho phù hợp, cây ưa ẩm thì nên trồng chậu, cây ưa thoáпg thì nên ghéƥ gỗ. Tùy theo đặc điểm tốc độ sinh trưởng để chọn chậu hoặc gỗ ghéƥ cho phù hợp, cần chú ý tới thời gian phải thay chậu thay gỗ cho cây

If tissue culture orchids are used, when the tissue orchid reaches about 4cm, it should be moved out. Washed tissue plants are placed on a net or basket on a basin of water to keep the seedlings cool. The joint planting stage on the trellis takes the coconut fiber bundled around the tissue transplant orchid, rolls it up with an elastic band and places it on the trellis. After planting on a trellis for 6-7 months, transfer to small pots.

About 6 months then switch to large pots. After each pot transfer, about a week is fertilized. The change of pot depends on the size of the plant, the degree of rot, moss damage.

For forest orchids you bring back to plant and take care of, pay attention to the growth size of the plant, if the pot does not have enough space, it needs to be replaced with a new pot, or the substrate is decaying with the risk of causing fungal diseases for orchids, or for wood grafting species, it is necessary to pay attention to the durability of the wood, After about 3 years, the pus may break or fall, causing your orchid dust to fall too.

5. Orchid care The most important factors for orchids

are light, irrigation water, humidity, pot or substrate and nutrition. Smart Garden will give a few basic tips for orchid care as follows.


The density of lighting greatly affects the growth, development and flowering process of orchids. With a lack of sunshine, the orchid grows tall but small and sick, the leaves are dark green, susceptible to pest attack, the plant has little budding, it is difficult to flower, the flowers are small and short, the color is not fresh, the flowers quickly fade. Excess sun spreads low on the plant, yellow leaves have wrinkles and dryness, the edge of the leaf tends to collapse, easy to flower early when the plant is young, so the flowers are short, small, the plant is underdeveloped. If the sun is too strong, the leaves will burn, dry out and then die.

Orchids have different lighting requirements depending on the orchid species and plant age. Phalaenopsis is the least sun-tolerant, can tolerate 30% of the sun, Cattleya orchid tolerates 50% of the sun, dancer orchid tolerates 75% of the sun and can be exposed to the early morning sun without being adversely affected, narrow-leaved Dendrobium or Vanda orchid tolerates 70% of the sun, while the Longleaf Vanda orchid and Scorpion tolerate up to 100% of the sun.

Baby orchids from 0-12 months in the leaf stem growth phase only need 50% illumination, orchids from 12-18 months need to illuminate up to 70% and the ᴛι̇ɱe of flowering sᴛι̇ɱulation can give more illumination, even remove the cover for natural lighting.

The direction of illumination is also important for orchids. Orchids placed in the east receive morning sunlight will be much better than orchids placed in the west receiving afternoon sun. Therefore, if you grow orchids on terraces or balconies in the West, orchids are underdeveloped and have few flowers. When planting orchids, it is necessary to arrange rows in the direction of North – South so that the plants receive the most fully distributed light.