If growing flowers, bonsai players have to wait until the flowers bloom before they can enjoy their beautiful appearance.
If they do not bloom, we can only see dull green leaves. However, there are special “flowers” whose leaves are inherently beautiful, without waiting for bloom.
Placing a pot of this leaf landscape indoors, you can enjoy their beautiful brilliant oil paintings throughout the 4 seasons.
These ornamental plants also have good shade tolerance, so they are suitable for indoor growing. Here are 6 beautifully leafy ornamental plants that you can admire.

Watermelon striped leafy plants are cute suitable potted plants. This ornamental plant has ɱaпy heart-shaped leaves with stripes like watermelon peel. Artwork min.new
1. Bonsai: Watermelon stripes
The watermelon striped leafy plant has the scientific name Peperomia argyreia (Hook.f.) E.Morren. Another common name is Watermelon Peperomia.
Watermelon striped leafy plants are cute suitable potted plants. This ornamental plant has ɱaпy heart-shaped leaves with stripes like watermelon peel.
This bonsai is not popular, but once someone sees it, it will definitely be attracted to it. Maintenance is not difficult, you just need to avoid exposure to the sun and prefer environments with high humidity.

This ornamental plant belongs to the plant family of Wax, native to Asia. It is an ornamental plant that is extremely suitable for indoor growing. Artwork min.new
2. Bonsai: Guanyin
This ornamental plant has names such as Alocasia Polly tree, elephant ear tree, African mask tree and scientific name Alocasia Amazonica.
This ornamental plant belongs to the plant family of Wax, native to Asia. It is an ornamental plant that is extremely suitable for indoor growing.
The leaves of the bonsai are dark green in color and the striking white veins make each leaf attractive. The back of the leaf is alcohol-red, and the leaf surface has particularly obvious silvery-white veins, the whole leaf is dark green, almost to black.
The leaves of the black-leaved ornamental plant look like an extremely large arrow. Placing this bonsai indoors will add class to your family.
Guanyin loves scattered light just enough, when maintaining, it is necessary to avoid too harsh sun exposure, do not leave the shade too high, pay attention to avoid dry places.
You need to maintain bonsai at temperatures above 18 degrees Celsius, care should be taken to keep the pot soil slightly moist, do not let the soil be too dry, but also do not let the pot soil continue to be moist or stagnant.
It is not recommended to spray the leaves of ornamental plants regularly, otherwise the plant is very susceptible to infection with pathogens, the leaves will become brown spots and gradually rot.

In Vietnam, ornamental ornamental tree is also called ornamental tree, spotted monk tree or red leaf ornamental tree, white leaf ornamental tree … Artwork min.new
3. Bonsai: Colored leaf ornamental subject
Caladium biccolor has ɱaпy varieties. There are shield-shaped leaves, arrow-shaped leaves, heart-shaped leaves, thin leaves like cicada wings… extremely delicate.
Their color is also very diverse from pink, white, red to patchy multicolored, very colorful, striking.
In Vietnam, ornamental ornamental tree is also called ornamental tree, spotted monk tree or red leaf ornamental tree, white leaf ornamental tree …
The colored leaf ornamental has a cheerful, beautiful appearance, symbolizing hospitality, possession to fortune and good luck when displayed indoors. However, the price of this bonsai is relatively expensive, large trees can reach millions.
This ornamental plant loves shade, is afraid of the sun, growing indoors is well suited. You just need to randomly place one or two pots in the house that will attract the eye.
Although this bonsai is afraid of the sun, you still need to provide them with enough scattered light. Without sunshine, the leaf color will not be beautiful.

The rainbow seven-color ornamental plant is light-loving or semi-shade-tolerant with a fast growth rate and can be propagated from dust separation. Artwork min.new
4. Bonsai: Rainbow Colors
The rainbow seven-color tree is also known as the seven-color tree, scientifically named Tradescantia spathacea, belongs to the Jasmine family – Commelinaceae. The seven colors are native to Central America.
The leaves of the rainbow seven-colored plant are slightly concave, juicy, spear-shaped, sessile, erect radiating from a short stem base. The upper side of the leaf has green veins with cream and pink stripes, the lower side is brilliantly burgundy-purple. The leaves are 12 -15 cm or more in length.
The flower has 3 yellowish-white petals growing in the axils of the leaves, surrounded by purple bracts facing each other like seashells. The rainbow seven-color ornamental plant is light-loving or semi-shade-tolerant with a fast growth rate and can be propagated from dust separation.
Plants with beautiful leaves should be used to plant backgrounds or create borders in the landscape of schools, parks, streets, cafes or grow pots to decorate desks, windowsills.
The rainbow tree with brilliant beauty brings luck and joy to the owner. According to the feng shui concept, planting seven-color plants in the house has the effect of driving away evil spirits, driving away unfortunate points to bring good luck to the owner.

According to feng shui, the banyan tree symbolizes supple vitality, longevity, it means bringing a peaceful and peaceful life to the owner. Artwork min.new
5. Bonsai: Multi-marble
The banyan tree is also known by ɱaпy other names as banyan tree, rubber banyan tree, banyan tree, Indian banyan tree, this plant has the scientific name Ficus elastica. This plant belongs to the plant family Moraceae and often occurs in tropical moist forests of Asia, commonly distributed in India and Malaysia.
This ornamental plant has ɱaпy types of red multibuds, marble red multibuds, yellow multibuds, marble gold buds. The leaves of marble are colorful, thick and shiny.
They have bright, elegant colors, very vibrant indoor decoration. According to feng shui, the banyan tree symbolizes supple vitality, longevity, it means bringing a peaceful and peaceful life to the owner.
Growing red banyan seedlings in pots is relatively simple. The plant loves just enough light, which you can place on a windowsill or south-facing balcony with enough scattered light daily. This can ensure healthy, fast-growing plants.

This ornamental plant is suitable for indoor growing. It prefers sunny environments, but is afraid of bright light. Artwork: Inf.new
6. Bonsai: Jackfruit leaf
Codiaeum variegatum belongs to the Euphorbι̇aceae family. Jackfruit leaf is a perennial woody shrub, a prominent ornamental tree that loves light and tolerates semi-shade.
The leaves are glossy, shaped like jackfruit leaves, the edges are smooth, the leaf colors are varied and bright, including yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, bronze and green combined together. The plant has long, discreet squirrel-tail-shaped flowers, bearing a small white or yellow color.
Keeping this bonsai indoors gives your home a tropical style. This ornamental plant is suitable for indoor growing. It prefers sunny environments, but is afraid of bright light.

Instead of waiting for plants with new flowers to bloom, you should immediately buy colored ornamental plants. Artwork: Inf.new
Above are 6 ornamental plants with especially vibrant and fresh leaves, allowing us to see their beauty throughout 4 seasons without waiting for flowering like other ornamental plants.
Whether the cuteness of ornamental plants, watermelon stripes or the nobility of velvet can create a unique beauty for your home.
The care of this bonsai is also not difficult, as long as the right lighting and humidity are provided, they will thrive. If you like these colored leafy ornamental plants then these are the best options for you.