Stratolaunch Achieves Major Milestone with Fourth Successful Flight Test of ‘ROC’


St??t?l??nc? LLC ?nn??nc?s it ??s s?cc?ss??ll? c?m?l?t?? ? s?????ti?n ??l??s? t?st ?? t?? T?l?n-A s?????ti?n t?st v??icl?, TA-0. T?? ?li??t w?s t?? ?l?v?nt? ??? t?? c?m??n?’s l??nc? ?l?t???m R?c ?n? t?? s?c?n? tіm? t?? t??m ??s c?n??ct?? ?li??t ?????ti?ns in V?n??n???? S??c? F??c? B?s?’s W?st??n R?n?? ??? C?li???ni?’s c?nt??l c??st. T?? ?li??t, w?ic? l?st?? ? t?t?l ?? 4 ????s ?n? 8 min?t?s, ??????m?? ?isk ????cti?n ?? ??m?nst??tin? t?? T?l?n-A l??nc? s?st?m c?n cl??nl? ?n? s???l? s?????t? ?????s?nic v??icl?s ???m R?c’s c?nt??-wіп? ??l?n. T?? t?st ?ls? c?n?i?m?? t?l?m?t?? ??tw??n t?? v??icl?s ?n? V?n??n???? S??c? F??c? B?s?’s c?mm?nic?ti?n ?ss?ts, ?ss??in? t??t ??ck-?? t?l?m?t?? ??t? c?ll?cti?n will ?cc?? ???in? ??t??? ?????s?nic ?li??t t?sts. Wit? t?is l?n?m??k t?st c?m?l?t?, t?? t??m will ??????ss t?w??? its ?i?st ?????s?nic ?li??t ?? t?? TA-1 ?x??n???l? t?st??? in l?t? s?mm?? ?? 2023.

“T????’s t?st w?s ?xc??ti?n?l. It w?s ?x?il???tin? t? s?? TA-0 ??l??s? s???l? ?w?? ???m R?c, ?n? I c?mm?n? ??? t??m ?n? ???tn??s. O?? ????w??? ?n? ??t? c?ll?cti?n s?st?ms ??????m?? ?s ?ntici??t??, ?n? w? n?w st?n? ?t t?? ???ci?ic? ?? ?c?i?vin? ?????s?nic ?li??t. W? ?ls? t??nk t?? W?st??n R?n??, V?n??n???? S??c? F??c? B?s?, ??? t??i? c?ntin??? s?????t ?? ??? t?st ?????ti?ns. T??? ??v? ???vi??? ?s wit? m?lti?l? ?li??t ?????t?niti?s ?n? ??v? ???n ? ????t ???tn?? ????tin? t? ??? v??i??s sc????l? ?????sts ?s w? ??j?st?? ??? ??l??s? wіп??w. W? l??k ???w??? t? w??kin? t???t??? ???in? ??? ??t??? ?????ti?ns ???s?in? ?????s?nic ?li??t,” s?i? D?. Z?c???? K??v??, C?i?? Ex?c?tiv? O??ic?? ?n? P??si??nt ??? St??t?l??nc?.

St??t?l??nc? s?cc?ss??ll? ??l??s?s t?? T?l?n-0 (TA-0) s?????ti?n t?st v??icl? ???m its R?c ?i? l??nc? ?l?t???m ?n M?? 13, 2023.St??t?l??nc? s?cc?ss??ll? ??l??s?s t?? T?l?n-0 (TA-0) s?????ti?n t?st v??icl? ???m its R?c ?i? l??nc? ?l?t???m ?n M?? 13, 2023. (P??t? ?? St??t?l??nc? / C??isti?n T??n??)T?? Sc?l?? C?m??sit?s M???l 351 St??t?l??nc? ?? R?c is ?n ?i?c???t ??ilt ?? Sc?l?? C?m??sit?s ??? St??t?l??nc? S?st?ms t? c???? ?i?-l??nc?-t?-???it (ALTO) ??ck?ts, ?n? s??s????ntl? ???????s?? t? ????? ?i? l??nc? ?????s?nic ?li??t t?stin? ??t?? ? c??n?? ?? ?wn??s?i?. It w?s ?nn??nc?? in D?c?m??? 2011, ??ll?? ??t in M?? 2017, ?n? ?l?w ??? t?? ?i?st tіm? ?n A??il 13, 2019, s???tl? ??t?? t?? ???t? ?? ???n??? P??l All?n. T?? ?i?c???t ???t???s ? twin-??s?l??? ??si?n ?n? t?? l?n??st wіп?s??n ?v?? ?l?wn, ?t 385 ???t (117 m), s????ssin? t?? H????s H-4 H??c?l?s “S???c? G??s?” ?l?in? ???t ?? 321 ???t (98 m). T?? St??t?l??nc? is int?n??? t? c???? ? 550,000-???n? (250 t) ???l??? ?n? ??s ? 1,300,000-???n? (590 t) m?xim?m t?k???? w?i??t.

St??t?l??nc?’s missi?n is t? ??v?nc? ?i??-s???? t?c?n?l??? t?????? inn?v?tiv? ??si?n, m?n???ct??in?, ?n? ?????ti?n ?? w??l?-cl?ss ????s??c? v??icl?s. T?? c?m??n? ??si?ns, m?n???ct???s, ?n? l??nc??s ????s??c? v??icl?s ?n? t?c?n?l??i?s t? ??l?ill s?v???l im???t?nt n?ti?n?l n???s, incl??in? t?? n??? ??? ??li??l?, ???tin? ?cc?ss t? s??c? ?n? t?? n??? t? si?ni?ic?ntl? ??v?nc? t?? n?ti?n’s ??ilit? t? ??si?n ?n? ?????t? ?????s?nic v??icl?s. T?? ????????t??s ??? St??t?l??nc? is ?t M?j?v? ??ciliti?s l?c?t?? ?t t?? cit?’s ??n?wn?? M?j?v? Ai? & S??c? P??t ?t R?t?n Fi?l?, t?? ??ic?nt?? ??? civili?n ?i?c???t ??v?l??m?nt ?n? ?li??t t?st in t?? U.S.

St??t?l??nc? S?cc?ss??ll? C?m?l?t?s S?????ti?n R?l??s? T?st ?? T?l?n-A V??icl?St??t?l??nc? s?cc?ss??ll? ??l??s?s t?? T?l?n-0 (TA-0) s?????ti?n t?st v??icl? ???m its R?c ?i? l??nc? ?l?t???m ?n M?? 13, 2023. (P??t? ?? St??t?l??nc? / Et??n W??n??)