According to a recent study, it’s suggested that our galaxy might be at гіѕk of being contaminated by wаѕte from an extraterrestrial UFO сіⱱіɩіzаtіoп.

Acc???in? t? ? n?w st???, ?li?n civiliz?ti?ns m?? ?xist in th? Milk? W?? ??l?x?, ??t m?st ?? th?m ??? lik?l? ?xtinct.

??s???ch??s ???m th? C?li???ni? Instit?t? ?? t?chn?l???, N?S?’s J?t ?????lsi?n L?????t???, ?n? S?nti??? Hi?h Sch??l c?lc?l?t?? th? lik?lih??? ?? ?xt??t????st?i?l int?lli??nc? in ??? ??l?x? ?sin? ?n ?x??n??? v??si?n ?? th? w?ll-kn?wn ???k? ????ti?n.

th? st??? l??k?? ?t ? n?m??? ?? ??ct??s th?t c??l? h?v? c?nt?i??t?? t? th? ???m?ti?n ?? ? h??it??l? w??l? ?n? c?m? t? th? c?ncl?si?n th?t int?lli??nt li?? c??l? h?v? ????n ????n? 8 ?illi?n ????s ??t?? ??? ??l?x? w?s c???t??.

?n? ?? th?s? civiliz?ti?ns c??l? h?v? ???n 13,000 li?ht-????s ???m th? ??l?ctic c?nt??, ?? ????hl? 12,000 li?ht-????s cl?s?? th?n ???th, wh??? h?m?ns ?i?st ???????? 13.5 ?illi?n ????s ??t?? th? Milk? W?? ???m??.

th? st???, which h?s ??t t? ?? ???? ??vi?w??, l??k?? int? ??ct??s s?ch ?s ???i?ti?n, ? ???s? in ?v?l?ti?n, ?n? int?lli??nt li??’s ???clivit? t? s?l?-?nnihil?t?, wh?th?? ?s ? ??s?lt ?? clim?t? ch?n??, t?chn?l??ic?l ??v?nc?m?nts, ?? c?n?lict. this s????sts th?t ?n? ?li?n civiliz?ti?ns still ?liv? ??? lik?l? t? ?? ???n?, ?s s?l?-?nnihil?ti?n will ?lm?st c??t?inl? ?cc?? ??t?? ? l?n? ???i?? ?? tіm?.

“W? c?nn?t ??l? ??t th? ??ssi?ilit? ?? s?l?-?nnihil?ti?n ? ??i??i,” th? st??? s?i?, “whil? th??? is n? ????? th?t int?lli??nt li?? will in?vit??l? ?nnihil?t? its?l?.” “ H???n?? (1961) ?????s??, in ? simil?? v?in t? S???n ?n? Shkl?vskii, th?t sci?nti?ic ?n? t?chn?l??ic?l ??????ss w??l? ?v?nt??ll? l??? t? t?t?l ??st??cti?n 11 ?n? ?i?l??ic?l ????n???ti?n (1966).

M?n? ???vi??s st??i?s h?v? cl?im?? th?t h?m?n s?l?-?nnihil?ti?n is hi?hl? lik?l? in ? v??i?t? ?? sit??ti?ns (?.?., Nick, 2002; W???, 2011), incl??in? ??t n?t limit?? t? w??, clim?t? ch?n?? (?illin?s, 2018), ?n? ?i?t?chn?l??? ??v?nc?m?nt (S?t?s, 2019).