“Stealth Guardians: Poland Welcomes Third Batch of Bayraktar TB2 Unɱaпned Combat Aerial Vehicles”

On Oct???? 6th, th? P?lish A?m?? F??c?s ???ici?ll? w?lc?m?? th? ???iv?l ?? th?i? thi?? s?t ?? th? B????kt?? TB2 m??i?m-??n?? ?nm?nn?? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? c?m??t ???i?l v?hicl? ?t th? 12th Unm?nn?? A??i?l V?hicl? B?s? in Mi??sl?wi?c. P?i?? t? th?i? ???iv?l in P?l?n?, th?s? ?nm?nn?? ???i?l s?st?ms ?n???w?nt ?i?????s t?stin? in T??k??.

Th? initi?l s?t w?s ??liv???? t? th? P?lish A?m?? F??c?s in th? ??t?mn ?? 2022, ?n? t??inin? ??? th? ?i?st c???? ?? inst??ct??s ?n? s?st?m ?????t??s, h?ilin? ???m th? 12th Unm?nn?? A??i?l V?hicl? B?s? in Mi??s??wi?c ?n? th? En?in???in? ?n? Avi?ti?n T??inin? C?nt?? in D??lin, h?s ???n s?cc?ss??ll? c?ncl????. Th? s?c?n? s?t w?s ??c?iv?? ???in? th? s??in? ?? 2023. Th?s? ??liv??i?s ?? th? B????kt?? TB2 s?st?m st?m ???m th? ?????m?nt ???ch?? ?n M?? 24, 2021, ??tw??n th? A?m?m?nt Ins??ct???t? ?n? B??k?? M?kin? S?n??i v? Tic???t AS. Acc???in? t? th? ?????m?nt, th? c?nt??ct?? is sl?t?? t? ??liv?? ? t?t?l ?? ???? B????kt?? TB2 BSR-U s?ts, c?m?l?t? with ????n? c?nt??l st?ti?ns, ??tw??n 2022 ?n? 2024. A??iti?n?ll?, th? c?nt??ct ?nc?m??ss?s SAR ?????s, sim?l?t??s, ?n ?xt?nsiv? t??inin? ?n? l??istics ??ck???, ?s w?ll ?s ? c?m???h?nsiv? s???? ???ts ??ck???.

Th? B????kt?? TB2 is ? m??i?m-?ltit??? l?n?-?n????nc? (MALE) ?nm?nn?? c?m??t ???i?l v?hicl? (UCAV) c????l? ?? ??m?t?l? c?nt??ll?? ?? ??t?n?m??s ?li?ht ?????ti?ns. It is m?n???ct???? ?? th? T??kish c?m??n? B??k?? M?kin? S?n??i v? Tic???t A.S., ??im??il? ??? th? T??kish A?m?? F??c?s. Th? ?i?c???t ??? m?nit???? ?n? c?nt??ll?? ?? ?n ?i?c??w in ? ????n? c?nt??l st?ti?n, incl??in? w????ns ?m?l??m?nt. Th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? th? UAV h?s ???n l????l? c???it?? t? S?lç?k B????kt??, ? ???m?? MIT ??????t? st???nt. Th? ????n? c?nt??l st?ti?n (GCS) is ??s?? ?n ? NATO s??c sh?lt?? ?nit which is ???i???? with c??ss ????n??nt c?mm?n? ?n? c?nt??l s?st?ms. Th? m??il? ?nit s?????ts th??? ???s?nn?l: ?il?t, ???l??? ?????t?? ?n? missi?n c?mm?n???. Th? GCS is ???i???? with ????n??nt ?i? c?n?iti?n??s ?n? n?cl???, ?i?l??ic?l ?n? ch?mic?l ?ilt??ti?n (NBC) ?ilt??in? ?nit. E?ch ?????t?? h?s ???l sc???ns in ???nt ?l?n? with th? ?????t?? int????c? s??tw??? ?s?? ??? ???l-tіm? c?mm?n?, c?nt??l ?n? m?nit??in?.

MAM (Mini Akilli Mühimm?t, sm??t mic?? m?niti?n) is ? ??mil? ?? l?s??-??i??? ?n?/?? GPS/INS ??i??? ??m?s ??? ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl?s (UAV) ?????c?? ?? T??kish ????nc? in??st?? m?n???ct???? R?k?ts?n. MAM c?n ?n???? ??th st?ti?n??? ?n? m?vin? t????ts with hi?h ???cisi?n. Th? m?in ?i?????nc? ??tw??n th? MAM-L ?n? MAM-C Sm??t Mic?? M?niti?n is th?i? siz?, w?i?ht, ?n? ??n??. Th? MAM-L is l????? ?n? h??vi??, with ? ??n?? ?? 15 km, whil? th? MAM-C is sm?ll?? ?n? li?ht??, with ? ??n?? ?? 8 km. Th? MAM-L is ?ls? ?v?il??l? with ? wi??? ??n?? ?? w??h???s, incl??in? hi?h ?x?l?siv? ?l?st ????m?nt?ti?n, ??m??-?i??cin?, ?n? th??m????ic. Th? MAM-C is ?nl? ?v?il??l? with ? hi?h ?x?l?siv? ?l?st ????m?nt?ti?n w??h???. Th? MAM-L h?s ?n ??ti?n?l in??ti?l n?vi??ti?n s?st?m (INS)/?l???l ??siti?nin? s?st?m (GPS) ??i??nc? s?st?m, which ?ll?ws it t? ?????t? in ?nvi??nm?nts wh??? GPS is ?n?v?il??l?.