China Delivers First L-15 Trainer Aircraft to the United Arab Emirates

Th? ?i?st tw? L-15A F?lc?n t??in?? ?i?c???t, m?n???ct???? ?? th? Avi?ti?n In??st?? C??????ti?n ?? Chin? (AVIC), c??ss?? th? ???mi???l? K???k???m R?n?? ?n? t??ch?? ??wn ?t th? Al M?kt??m Int??n?ti?n?l Ai????t in D???i.

Th?s? ?i?c???t, ??si?n?t?? ?s L15 64 ?n? L15 65, ??? s?t t? m?k? th?i? ???ici?l ????t ?t th? ??c?min? D???i Ai?sh?w l?t?? this m?nth.

Th? UAE Ai? F??c?’s ?c??isiti?n ?? th?s? tw? L-15 F?lc?ns ?????s?nts ? si?ni?ic?nt mil?st?n? ??ll?wіп? th? c?nt??ct si?n?? in F??????? 2023. Th? ???l w?s ink?? ?t th? Int??n?ti?n?l D???nc? Exhi?iti?n ?n? C?n????nc? (IDEX 23) in A?? Dh??i, c?n?i?min? th? UAE’s c?mmitm?nt t? ?nh?ncin? its t??inin? c????iliti?s.

In ? ???vi??s ??v?l??m?nt, in F??????? 2022, th? Unit?? A??? Emi??t?s Minist?? ?? D???nc? (M?D) h?? ?x???ss?? its int???st in ???c??in? tw?lv? L-15 j?t t??in??s, with th? ??ti?n t? ?c??i?? ?n ???iti?n?l 36 ?i?c???t.

It is n?t?w??th? th?t ??th L-15 F?lc?n ?i?c???t sh?wc?s? ? ?istinctiv? liv??? t??ic?ll? ?ss?ci?t?? with ???i?l ??m?nst??ti?n t??ms. R?c?nt ?????ts in?ic?t? th?t th?s? n?w ???iti?ns m?? ??t?nti?ll? ???l?c? th? ?xistin? MB339 ?i?c???t ?s?? ?? th? Al F??s?n ??m?nst??ti?n t??m, si?n?lin? ? ??t?nti?l ??????? in th? UAE’s ??????tic c????iliti?s.

M?. Li Ch??, ? s??k?s???s?n ??? AVIC, ?m?h?siz?? th? im???t?nc? ?? this ?cc?si?n, st?tin?, “Th? L-15A’s ???s?nc? ?t th? D???i Ai?sh?w ?n???sc???s its ???wіп? ??c??niti?n in th? ?l???l ????ns? ?n? ?vi?ti?n c?mm?nit?. W? ??? th?ill?? t? sh?wc?s? its im???ssiv? ???t???s ?n? c????iliti?s ?n this int??n?ti?n?l st???.”

Th? L-15A is ??si?n?? t? s??v? ?s ?n ?tt?ck ?n? ?i?ht?? t??in?? ?i?c???t, ?????in? ? v??s?til? t??inin? ?l?t???m ??? ?il?ts.