“Airbus to Upgrade 15 Gerɱaп Air Force Eurofighters for Advanced Electronic Warfare”

F?ll?win? th? ??c?nt ???li?m?nt??? ?????v?l ?? th? G??m?n ?????t c?mmitt??, Ai???s will ???i? 15 G??m?n E????i?ht??s ??? ?l?ct??nic c?m??t – ?n? ???i? th?m with ? t??nsmitt?? l?c?ti?n ?n? s?l?-???t?cti?n s?st?m ???m S???, ?s w?ll ?s “AARGM” ?nti-????? missil?s ???m th? Am??ic?n c?m??n? N??th??? G??mm?n. Th? E????i?ht?? EK is t? ?? NATO-c??ti?i?? ?? 2030 ?n? will th?n ???l?c? th? T??n??? in th? SEAD (S?????ssi?n ?? En?m? Ai? D???nc?) ??l?. With th? ???li?m?nt??? ?????v?l ?? th? B????t C?mmitt??, th? E????i?ht?? is n?w ???ici?ll? s?t ?s th? s?cc?ss?? t? th? T??n??? ECR (El?ct??nic C?m??t/R?c?nn?iss?nc?). Ai???s is n?w l??kin? ???w??? t? th? ???ici?l ????? t? int????t? th? s?l?ct?? t?chnic?l s?l?ti?ns int? th? E????i?ht??. Th? c????s??n?in? c?nt??ct ??tw??n E????i?ht?? Gm?H, ?s ??im? c?nt??ct??, ?n? NETMA (NATO E????i?ht?? ?n? T??n??? M?n???m?nt A??nc?) is ?x??ct?? t? ?? si?n?? ?????? th? ?n? ?? th? ????.

Beautiful Dawn

“El?ct??nic w?????? ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ??? ?n im???t?nt NATO ????i??m?nt: c????nt c?n?licts ?n? th? ???s?nt s?c??it? sit??ti?n sh?w h?w im???t?nt th? tw? c????iliti?s ???,” s??s Ai???s D???nc? ?n? S??c? CEO Mich??l Schöllh??n. “In this ??s??ct, th? G??m?n ??v??nm?nt’s ??cisi?n t? incl??? s?ch ?n im???t?nt c????ilit? ?s ?l?ct??nic w?????? in th? E????i?ht?? c????ilit? ???t??li? is ?n im???t?nt m??s???. EK will ??? this im???t?nt c????ilit? t? th? ?l????? ????? ?????ti?n?l s??ct??m ?? th? E????i?ht?? whil? st??n?th?nin? E??????n s?v???i?nt? ?n? ??t?n?m?.”