“Exploring future applications of robotic systems in autonomous tasks: iMUGS Association exhibition in Versailles, France”

It will use Milrem’s existing THeMIS unɱaпned ground vehicle for different payloads. iMUGS is a 32,6 MEUR project, a 13-party collaboration focused on developing a modular and scalable architecture for hybrid ɱaпned-unɱaпned systems. The parties involved are Milrem Robotics (project coordinator), Bittium, Diehl Defence, dotOcean, GMV Aerospace and Defence, Insta Advance, Krauss-Maffei Wegɱaпn (KMW), Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT), NEXTER Systems, the Royal Military Academy of Belgium, Safran Electronics & Defense, Talgen Cybersecurity, and sol.one. The aim of the project is to standardize a European-wide ecosystem for aerial and ground platforms, comɱaпd, control, and communication equipment, sensors, payloads, and algorithms. The project addresses challenges such as enhanced interoperability, increased situational awareness, and faster decision-making.