Hilarious mishap leads firefighters to surprising treetop discovery

Someᴛι̇ɱes you just need to know when to let the squirrel win the day. This poor pooch learnt that lesson the hard way in a hilarious mishap.

Firefighters had to rescue a dog that got stuck in a tree after chasing a squirrel. Picture: Caldwell Fire Department

This rescue was barking mad.

A fire department in Idaho was called out to rescue a dog from high in a treetop after its attempt to catch a squirrel went haywire.

The Caldwell Fire Department posted the hilarious photos of the dog balancing on a branch over the weekend.

The ladder didn’t reach. Picture: Caldwell Fire Department

“Well, definitely not a cat in a tree. Caldwell Fire and Caldwell Police responded to a dog stuck in a tree, this afternoon,” the department wrote.

“After much coaxing, the canine was brought safely to the ground. Perhaps, he will not be so persistent, next ᴛι̇ɱe, in chasing squirrels.”

The dog had to be coaxed down. Picture: Caldwell Fire Department

The dog’s owner, Christina Danner, revealed Izzy was “never even close” to catching the squirrel.

But she was retrieved safely by the crew and given a meal.

A dog day afternoon. Picture: Caldwell Fire Department

A hard-earned meal. Picture: Caldwell Fire Departmen