Easy-to-grow flowers in pots to beautify your home and capture everyone’s hearts

There are ɱaпy types of flowers with different colors and beauty that can be grown in the garden, hung in baskets, or planted in pots. This article will suggest some easy-to-grow flowers that bloom all year round and can be placed on balconies or in living rooms.

1. Roses

As the queen of all flowers, roses are always mentioned first. Roses originated from temperate regions but are suitable for the tropical climate of Vietnam, making them very convenient for flower lovers.

Growing roses is not difficult, you just need to prepare a pot suitable for the height of the flower and a quantity of rich soil. While caring for the plant, pay attention to the amount of water and fertilizer for the plant to grow and develop well. This plant loves sunlight, so you need to expose them to sunlight regularly for the plant to grow well and produce ɱaпy flowers.

Roses are not only fragrant and beautiful, but also very adaptable. This flower species blooms all year round. So, don’t hesitate to “buy” a few pots of roses for your balcony.

2. Water lilies Water

lilies are one of the easy-to-grow flowers in pots. Water lilies are hard-stemmed, long-lived plants, about 20-60cm tall. Water lily leaves are long, slightly pointed, thick and soft, dark green and shiny, healthy and full of vitality, looking quite similar to garlic leaves. Water lilies are the first flowers to bloom when spring comes and are displayed in ɱaпy homes every ᴛι̇ɱe Tet comes around. Water lilies are planted by bulbs, so they are easy to care for.

According to feng shui, water lilies contain powerful energy that promotes huɱaп potential and career development. When admiring a vase of water lilies, it is like having the motivation to promote creativity and solve daily work difficulties.

3. Money plant

the money plant is considered a symbol of wealth, love and happiness. Every ᴛι̇ɱe you look at each money plant flower, you seem to convey more strength and joy to start a new day of work.

The money plant is also suitable for outdoor growing as it is heat-resistant, allowing it to thrive in various weather conditions. To showcase its beauty, you can plant it in a pot and place it on the balcony or in the garden. The money plant comes in various colors, so you can choose different types to make your balcony or garden vibrant and beautiful.

4. Carnation

Carnations are easy-to-grow flowers in pots. They are scientifically known as Dianthus, which is derived from the Greek words “Dios” meaning “God” and “anthos” meaning “flower.” Carnations are therefore known as the flower of the gods. The plant has slender stems with short branches carrying leaves in different colors such as white, green, pink, yellow, red, and can even be a combination of these colors to create beautiful borders. Carnations usually bloom in the spring and summer and can survive well until winter if the weather is not too cold.

If you are a tea lover, you will surely not miss this type of flower. What could be more wonderful than sitting down to enjoy tea made from the carnations you planted yourself while admiring the city from your balcony bathed in sunlight? Carnation tea has the ability to reduce stress, relieve pain, and balance female hormones.

5. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums are a family of plants with ɱaпy different colors, ranging from white, pink, and purple to blue. They are beautiful with small shapes like a bouquet of flowers to plump leaves that resemble grape leaves. The delicate, charming, and plentiful flowers are dotted at the top of the plant. The chrysanthemum leaves are dark green, broad, and toothed at the edges, with the leaves surrounding the stems, showing the inᴛι̇ɱacy and comfort of the plant. Moreover, they bring youthfulness, love of life, and relaxation, reducing stress through their refreshing beauty.

The seeds sprout quickly at the beginning of spring and bloom until late summer and autumn. The flowers are quite durable, lasting up to nearly a month. The chrysanthemum plant is known for its resilience against wind and harsh weather, earning it the nickname “pure ice and jade.” Therefore, planting a pot of chrysanthemums for the living room is also a beautiful choice.

6. Medicinal flowers

Medicinal flowers are known for their longevity and are suitable for warm climates with plenty of sunlight. They are often used to make herbal remedies and teas. Popular examples of medicinal flowers include chamomile, lavender, and calendula. Not only are they beautiful, but they also provide ɱaпy health benefits. Chamomile tea, for example, can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. Planting medicinal flowers in pots is an excellent way to add beauty and health benefits to your home.

7. Geranium

Geranium is diverse with various colors carrying different meanings. If the dark-colored phong lữ symbolizes loss and sadness, the oak leaf phong lữ represents true friendship. The most popular and preferred are still the red or pink phong lữ, with a sweet fragrance, symbolizing favor. According to feng shui, this flower also has the ability to ward off evil spirits. Like carnations, it is also an ingredient in phong lữ herb tea, which is suitable for tea-loving families. To help the phong lữ herb grow well, it should be placed near a window with sunlight and watered regularly every day. Therefore, the phong lữ herb also occupies a solid position in the list of easy-to-grow potted flowers that still look beautiful.

8. pansy

When it comes to radiant and eye-catching beauty, perhaps no potted flower can compete with the pansy. Pansies have five petals arranged in a clever and reasonable way, and each flower is usually a blend of three colors, creating a pleasing visual effect. The diameter of each flower is about 3cm. Pansies typically bloom from November to May of the following year, and they are often planted in winter or spring for opᴛι̇ɱal flowering. The longer the plant has to grow before blooming, the larger and more beautiful the flowers will be.

9.  Camellia

,is a type of flower that has a simple yet captivating beauty. Unlike the grand and luxurious appearance of orchids, for example, the beauty of Camellia is understated but elegant. Camellia is a tropical plant that mainly grows in Asian countries with a cool subtropical climate such as Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. It is a shrub that can grow up to 2-3 meters tall and blooms once a year, usually around the Lunar New Year period, and can continue to bloom for 2-3 months.

The pink Camellia flower symbolizes roɱaпce, the white Camellia flower symbolizes innocence or the simplicity of the red Camellia flower. Depending on personal preference and style, you can choose your own distinctive Camellia flower variety to grow in a pot and enjoy admiring them daily for relaxation.