Incredible Saving of a Baby Elephant Stuck in a Drainage Ditch.

When you are not typically surrounded by wild animals, you do not consider too much about the dangers they face on a daily basis. This includes predators seeking their next meal and humans seeking to profit from their valuable body parts, but what about road hazards? That is precisely what transpired in this story. This adorable elephant was strolling with his herd in Assam, India, when he slipped and fell into an embankment beneath a railroad track. Fortunately, the train came to a stop, and dozens of passengers jumped out to assist in pulling him to safety.

The little elephant had been attempting to keep up with its herd when it fell onto the deteriorating train track.

As he became submerged in mud, thankfully, dozens of passengers stopped to assist him. He continued to drown, but they were determined to assist him.

In Assam, India, a forest official arrived to assist him out of the ravine.

Passersby also gave the infant bits of food to keep him going.

This man offers a stick to grasp and then descends to attempt a different approach.

People perched on the edge of the ditch to ensure the safety of the child.

The animal appeared frightened by the predicament it faced, but the situation was thankfully resolved. The baby elephant was saved and returned to its herd.

Even though this baby elephant appeared scared, I am sure he was thrilled to rejoin his herd. It is wonderful that the train’s residents and passengers were able to assist this baby elephant. It is so wonderful to see people helping out their fellow humans without expecting anything in return.