A Russian expert says the Solar System, including eагtһ, has been under long-term surveillance by extraterrestrial spacecraft, completely unbeknownst to humans.

Humans have not yet found extraterrestrial life. According to the Daily Star, the question today is, where are the extraterrestrials? Why haven’t we encountered another сіⱱіɩіzаtіoп?
An astrophysicist has a straightforward answer: they have been here. Professor Zaza Osmanov from the University of Tbilisi, Georgia, USA, suggests that extraterrestrials have been using self-replicating probe ships to exрɩoгe the Solar System, including eагtһ.
Osmanov claims that for this to happen, a сіⱱіɩіzаtіoп would need to reach level 2 on the Kardashev scale, which is one level higher than humans, with the ability to manufacture probe ships according to the famous mathematician and physicist Von Neumann’s hypothesis.
Von Neumann’s hypothesis involves small, unmanned, self-replicating probes capable of gathering resources, making them highly suitable for exploring the Solar System.
“As a result, if someone discovers an unfamiliar object with advanced technology, it is highly likely to be one of the Von Neumann probe ships,” Osmanov wrote in a scientific journal.

Extraterrestrial civilizations that humans are searching for could potentially be at a higher level of development.
“We have to consider the possibility of a Level 2 сіⱱіɩіzаtіoп exploring the universe with self-replicating robots,” Osmanov explained. “This is the explanation for why extraterrestrials have been quietly observing eагtһ for a long time.”
But why haven’t humans ever detected such exploration probes? Osmanov suggests that it’s because they are incredibly tiny, beyond the capabilities of ordinary human perception.
The Russian professor states that nanotechnology is the most suitable choice for creating a fast-moving, rapidly self-replicating probe that can adapt to different climate conditions.
At the current level of human development, it’s understandable why we haven’t spotted extraterrestrial exploration probes. However, Osmanov believes that even the most advanced tiny probes have their limitations.
These probes emit signals resembling beams of light spreading through space, which can be detected through infrared telescopes. At that point, the probe would appear as a comet-like object radiating energy.

Extraterrestrial beings have not been found by humans because they themselves have visited eагtһ, passing through the Milky Way from a time…