Abandoned and left to fend for itself for years in the mountains, this dog had a stroke of luck when it met a kind-hearted climber.
As an animal enthusiast, I have encountered my fair share of neglected and abused animals, but Snow’s situation was among the worst I have encountered. Even though his tail was wagging enthusiastically, he was emaciated and his ears were hemorrhaging. It broke my heart to see him in such a wretched condition, as it was obvious that he had been given just enough to survive.
I knew I could not simply abandon him. I vowed to Snow then and there that I would do everything in my power to assist him, no matter what. The owner initially denied my request to adopt Snow, and I was distraught. I was unsure of what to say or do, as if the proprietor said no, I would not be able to bring Snow with me. I was overcome by emotion, and tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Suddenly, however, something extraordinary occurred. Knowing how much I admired Snow, the owner took pity on me and said, “Okay, take him.” I was overcome with joy and relief. I could not believe I would finally be able to provide Snow with the nurturing home he deserved.

Bringing Snow home marked only the start of our voyage together. It was obvious that he had experienced trauma and maltreatment in the past. He would shudder whenever I raised my hand, but despite his past, he remained extraordinarily affectionate. Every morning, he would enter my room with his tail swaying, bringing me great joy.