The sunbittern (Eurypyga helias) is a bittern-like bird living in the tropical regions of the Americas that shares ɱaпy physical characteristics with other Bitterns. Their plumage is black, grey, and brown. The flight feathers are vividly colored in the center and when the wings are spread – exhibit a pattern that resembles bright eyespots in red, yellow, and black. The bird has a generally subdued coloration, with fine linear patterns of black, grey, and brown. Its remiges however have vividly colored middle webs, which with wings fully spread show bright eyespots in red, yellow, and black. These are shown to other sunbitterns in courtship and threat displays or used to startle potential predators. The color of the legs and feet ranges from yellowish-orange to reddish. The bill is long and pointed.
Male and female adult sunbitterns can be differentiated by small differences in the feather patterns of the throat and head.Like some other birds, the sunbittern has powder down.
These birds have a range that stretches from southern Mexico through Guatemala to southern Peru and Brazil in South America. They are resident (non-migratory) birds.Sunbitterns like to live in humid Neotropical forests with an open understory as well as near rivers and streams.