Travolta, an emaciated dog who was found barely alive on the roadside, has been given a second chance at life thanks to the kindness of a stranger and a veterinarian who went above and beyond to save him. The skinny, starving dog was discovered by an Uber driver who took him to a Kentucky animal hospital. The staff, led by Emily Bewley, DVM, named him Travolta because they believed he was a fighter who was staying alive.

Travolta was in critical condition with matted fur and maggots crawling on his body. He weighed only 14 pounds when he should have weighed 30. Bewley, who works at the hospital on weekends and is a staff veterinarian at the Kentucky Huɱaпe Society, signed him under her name because he had no owner. She knew he needed immediate medical attention and got to work cleaning him, putting him on antibiotics, and providing him with an IV drip.

Over ᴛι̇ɱe, Travolta started to gain weight and strength, thanks to Bewley’s tireless efforts. She brought him home with her that night and continued to care for him. Several people offered to foster Travolta, but Bewley couldn’t bear to part with him. She decided to adopt him, and now Travolta is living a full life with his huɱaп and animal siblings.

Travolta’s story is a reminder of the power of kindness and compassion. It’s a testament to the incredible impact that one person can have when they step up and do something to help. As Bewley says, “Someᴛι̇ɱes magical things happen when you step in to help someone else.”
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