One morning in the small garden, there was a rooster named Coco and a rooster named Bella. Coco and Bella have always lived together since they woke up and become close friends. Haowever, there is something special about this pair of chickens – they are very scared to fever everything around.

Milo, the gentle kitten, has seen that Coco and Bella are living in anxiety and fear. With a loving heart, Milo decided to take care of and protect this pair of chickens. He approached Coco and Bella, the small arrow to reassure them.
Milo and Coco and Bella begin their journey to explore the world around them. The kitten diligently protects the chickens, always beside each person when there is a scary noise or a scary scene appears. He uses his gentleness and care to assuage Coco and Bella’s fears.

As time passes, Coco and Bella gradually learn to trust Milo. Sometimes, when a strange sound is heard or when a feral cat is watching, Coco and Bella are still a little scared. But when they saw Milo up close, they knew there was nothing to worry about.
Coco, Bella and Milo become inseparable friends. Milo has proven that even if you’re a cat, you can still be a great companion. And Coco and Bella, through Milo’s care, have learned to overcome their fears and enjoy life more confidently.

From there, the story of Coco, Bella and Milo spread out in the garden. Everyone admires the adorable friendship between these three animals and the way Milo helped Coco and Bella overcome their creepy fears. It is a small lesson in kindness and respectable friendship.
This is Scruffles. He’s a chubby cat and likes to just lay around all day. He also has a fan club of pet chickens, who love nothing more than to watch him do nothing all day long.