Amazingly Resilient: A Unicorn Dog’s Heartwarming Journey to a Loving Forever Home

Despite having a history of abuse and neglect, Strawberry is an affectionate dog who adores meeting new people. However, her future was uncertain as she was on the verge of losing her life due to some concerns about two lumps on her head, scratches on her face, and one droopy eye. Strawberry arrived at the shelter in January 2022.

Suddenly, everything turned around for Strawberry! The LaBelle Foundation in Los Angeles came to her rescue. At first, the shelter thought the lumps on her head were cancerous, but after some tests, they discovered that they were just scar tissue from an old injury and posed no serious risk to her life. Thanks to the foundation, Strawberry was given a second chance at life. Despite the option to remove the tissue, the team at LaBelle decided to keep her unique features intact. They believe that the right family will love her just the way she is.

The adorable pooch flourished in her recently found temporary home. Despite having a dark history of ill-treatment, she exuded boundless love and affection that won the hearts of her caretakers. She chose to forget her painful past and embraced a new life filled with love and care.

If you’re looking for a furry friend who loves to cuddle and spend ᴛι̇ɱe with huɱaпs, Strawberry might just be the perfect match for you. She’s been great with both people and other dogs so far, and while she walks well on a leash, she can get distracted by other dogs or the sound of a ball. Speaking of balls, Strawberry is absolutely obsessed with them and will run up and down alongside a tennis court for hours if you let her.

Despite having a bump on her head, Strawberry never seems bothered by it and even uses it as a chin rest when she’s cuddled up with her temporary family. And speaking of families, one lucky family in South Pasadena fell in love with Strawberry at first sight after seeing her on social media. They had recently lost their 15-year-old dog and knew that they could give Strawberry all the love and attention she deserves.

Now, Strawberry spends her days playing fetch with her new family and giving snuggles to anyone who wants them. She’s 90% potty trained and sleeps overnight in her crate. We’re so grateful to this wonderful family for rescuing Strawberry from the shelter and giving her the loving home she deserves.