N?w ?????cti?n c?nt??ct m????niz?s ?n? ???i?s th? U.S. A?m?’s A?m???? B?i???? C?m??t T??ms with inc???s?? c????ilit?. BAE S?st?ms w?s ?w????? ? c?nt??ct m??i?ic?ti?n ?xc???in? $190 milli?n ??? c?ntin??? ?????cti?n ?? th? B???l?? A4. Th? ?w??? incl???s m??? th?n 70 M2A4 In??nt?? Fi?htin? V?hicl?s ?n? th? M7A4 Fi?? S?????t T??m V?hicl?s. This ?w??? ??ll?ws th? E??l? O???? M?t??i?l ?w???s in A???st ?n? N?v?m??? 2022.W??k ?n th? ??????m will t?k? ?l?c? ?t R?? Riv?? A?m? D???t in T?x??k?n?, T?x?s, ?n? BAE S?st?ms’ ??ciliti?s in Aik?n, S??th C???lin?; Annist?n, Al???m?; Minn????lis, Minn?s?t?; S?n J?s?, C?li???ni?; St??lin? H?i?hts, Michi??n; ?n? Y??k, P?nns?lv?ni?.
Th? B???l?? Fi?htin? V?hicl? (BFV) is ? t??ck?? ??m????? ?i?htin? v?hicl? ?l?t???m ?? th? Unit?? St?t?s ??v?l???? ?? FMC C??????ti?n ?n? m?n???ct???? ?? BAE S?st?ms L?n? & A?m?m?nts, ???m??l? Unit?? D???ns?. Th? BFV is n?m?? ??t?? U.S. G?n???l Om?? B???l??. Th? B???l?? is ??si?n?? t? t??ns???t in??nt?? ?? sc??ts with ??m?? ???t?cti?n, whil? ???vi?in? c?v??in? ?i?? t? s?????ss ?n?m? t????s ?n? ??m???? v?hicl?s. Th? s?v???l B???l?? v??i?nts incl??? th? M2 B???l?? in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl? ?n? th? M3 B???l?? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl?. Th? M2A2 O????ti?n D?s??t St??m im???v?m?nts w??? ??s?? ?n l?ss?ns l???n?? ???in? th? ?i?st G?l? W?? in 1991.
U.S. A?m?’s A?m???? B?i???? C?m??t T??ms M2A4 B???l?? Fi?htin? V?hicl?. (Ph?t? ?? BAE S?st?ms)
“Th? B???l?? is ? c??ci?l v?hicl? ??? th? A?m???? B?i???? C?m??t T??ms t???? ??c??s? it ?ll?ws th? A?m? t? t??ns???t t????s t? th? ?i?ht whil? ???vi?in? c?v?? ?i?? t? s?????ss ?n?m? v?hicl?s ?n? t????s. It’s im????tiv? th? B???l?? Fi?htin? V?hicl? is ???????? t? k??? ??? S?l?i??s ?nm?tch?? ?n th? ??ttl??i?l? ??? ????s t? c?m?,” s?i? D?n F?????, ?i??ct?? ?? ????n? v?hicl? ?????cti?n ??? BAE S?st?ms.
C?ntin??? ???????s t? th? M2A4 ???m th? M2A2 O????ti?n D?s??t St??m – Sit??ti?n?l Aw???n?ss (ODS-SA) v??i?nt is ???t ?? th? A?m?’s c?m??t v?hicl? m????niz?ti?n st??t??? t? ?ns??? ???c? ????in?ss ?? th? ABCT. Th? B???l?? A4 incl???s ?nh?nc?? m??ilit? with inc???s?? ?n?in? h??s???w?? t? ???vi?? ???i? m?v?m?nt in ???cti?n t? c?m??t ?? ?th?? ??v??s? sit??ti?ns. S??viv??ilit? im???v?m?nts t? th? Fi?? S?????ssi?n ?n? IED j?mm?? c?m??n?nts ????cin? th? lik?lih??? ?? s?st?m ??t?ct??ilit?. A??iti?n?ll?, th? ???????? c?m??tin? s?st?m ?nh?nc?s sit??ti?n?l ?w???n?ss ??? S?l?i??s. Im???v?m?nts t? ?n-????? ?i??n?stics s?st?ms ???vi?? inc???s?? ???lt ??t?cti?n ?n? is?l?ti?n c????iliti?s th?t h?l? k??? th? B???l?? Fi?htin? V?hicl? in th? ?i?ht.