“Blooming Flowers: A beautiful home talisɱaп for good luck”

This flower is unlike any other, looks like a fan, resembles a beautiful pink braid with a blue bow.

This is a flower that may not be too strange to people but very rarely seen in life. They make a strong impression with large, bright pink flowers, dotted with fresh blue.

This flower resembles a three-pepper fan and is the reason why this ornamental plant is called a three-pepper fan. However, I found them to be like pink braids with beautiful green bows, standing out on green leaves.

This is an ornamental plant that may not be too strange to people but very rarely seen in life. Artwork houseplantwes

Nhưng bạn phải biết rằng, thực chất “chiếc quạt ba tiêu” màu hồng rực rỡ mà bạn tưởng là hoa lại không phải là hoa.

Đó là phần lá bắc của loài hoa này, những lá bắc xếp chồng lên nhau như lớp vảy, tạo thành 1 “phiến quạt” hồng rực. Những chiếc nơ màu xanh tím mới chính là hoa của chúng.

Cây cảnh có tên tiếng Anh là Pink Quill.

Cây cảnh này là quạt ba tiêu hay còn gọi là hoa nam hương, có người gọi là lan quạt ba tiêu nhưng thực chất loài hoa này này không phải lan, chúng là cây không khí thuộc họ Dứa.

Loài hoa này có tên tiếng Anh là Pink Quill, tên khoa học là Tillandsia cyanea, thuộc được phân loại là cây không khí chi Wallisia, họ Dứa (Bromeliaceae), có nguồn gốc từ Ecuado, Peru.

Hoa của cây cảnh này là một “kỳ quan” đặᴄ bι̇ệᴛ. Ảnh minh họa verdantlyfe

Cây cảnh này thuộc nhóm cây không khí với những chiếc lá dài, nhọn, mọng nước, có màu xanh hoặc hơi ửng đỏ. Điều này khiến chúng vô cùng xinh đẹp cho dù có nở hoa hay không.

Loài hoa này là một “kỳ quan” đặᴄ bι̇ệᴛ. Giữa cụm lá bắc ɱaпg sắc hồng ngọt ngào mọc xếp ᴄҺặᴛ hình tháp, một bông hoa nhỏ nhẹ nhàng khoe sắc tím như một chiếc nơ được gắn vào phần lá quạt làm cây thêm phần lạ mắt.

Therefore, this beautiful pink three-pepper fan also has a good feng shui meaning, driving away bad qi, attracting talent, and bringing fortune into the house for the owner. Atheon artwork

Seedlings will take 2 years to bloom. When blooming, the plant does not bloom but blooms one by one, which means that when one flower dies, another flower begins to bloom.

This flower can survive for several years but once the flower blooms, the plant dies within 1 week, as soon as the flower dies. However, before dying, they ɱaпaged to “lay” 6 cubs, continuing their extended life cycle.

In feng shui, the three-pepper fan flower is used to help homeowners facilitate life, avoid ɱaпy bad things. Therefore, this beautiful pink three-pepper fan also has a good feng shui meaning, driving away bad qi, attracting talent, and bringing fortune into the house for the owner.

As an air tree, the vitality of this bonsai is also very intense, symbolizing resilience.

Moreover, the vibrant flower color symbolizes youth, hope, full of energy, definitely makes the spirit of the homeowner always excited, full of vitality.

As an air plant, the vitality of this flower is also very intense, symbolizing resilient will, not afraid of difficulties, will give you motivation to succeed, attract money, and prosper.

How to care for a three-pepper fan flower

According to Houseplantcentral, this unique ornamental plant is native to Ecuador and Peru, where it is quickly threatened by soil loss.

This flower has gained popularity as a houseplant or for growing in warm climates around the globe because of its ease of care, vibrant color, unique shape.

Bonsai three-pepper fan prefers warm weather and medium to high humidity Artwork houseplantwes

In nature, three-pepper fans are epiphytic plants that grow in association with other plants or plants. Indoors, you can grow them in pots or attach them to other plants, similar to how they grow in nature.

This ornamental plant can also be grown from the soil in the form of air plants.

The three-pepper fan flower prefers warm weather and medium to high humidity, the temperature for bonsai growth is ideally around 15 to 27 degrees Celsius., with a relative humidity of 55% or more.

This flower can tolerate harsher conditions, but when providing them with good conditions, they are lush, flowering more.

Open the blinds in the morning so that bonsai can be exposed directly to cool light. Artwork houseplantwes



Give this flower direct light for a few hours for the best color, but avoid direct sunlight in the afternoon because it is too intense. Morning or evening sunshine is best.

Otherwise, you can provide bright but indirect lighting for eight hours or more. If you have a location a few meters from a west-facing window with thin curtains then it is ideal. Open the blinds in the morning so that the plant can be exposed directly to cool light.

If you plant this ornamental plant in the soil, you need to be very cautious in watering. Do not moisten the gourd substrate. Verdantlyfe artwork


If you choose to plant this bonsai in the ground, it needs to be well drained and extremely light. Standard potting soil is too heavy.

Look for cactus or orchid planting substrates because they are light and airy enough for three-pepper fan roots.


If you plant a plant of this flower in the ground, you need to be very cautious in watering. Do not moisten the gourd substrate.

Ornamental plants grown in pots or on trellises should also be misted a little more often, about once every two weeks.

Spray the leaves every few weeks to a month, depending on the humidity and relative temperature of your area. Water will flow from the leaves and into the soil, which is enough to keep the plant healthy.

Those plants that grow in pots or on trellises should also be misted a little more often, about once every two weeks.

This flower is sensitive to chlorine, so do not use disinfected tap water, but store rainwater to spray and irrigate ornamental plants.

Bonsai three-pepper fans do not need much feeding. tropiflora artwork


The three-pepper fan flower does not need much feeding. They collect most of what they need from the environment on their own. Spray the leaves with foliar fertilizer twice a year, once in early spring and once in late summer.

The fertilizer must be water-soluble and lightweight, have an NPK content of 2-2-2.

If you choose to plant plants in the ground, choose pots with good drainage and small pots. Artwork joyusgarden

How to plant

In conclusion, this flower needs care as an air plant. They can be grown in pots, hung on strings, or “plugged” into rotting wood.

You can also grow them by wrapping the roots in sphagnum moss and attaching it to any surface.

If you choose to plant plants in the ground, choose pots with good drainage and small pots. Oversized pots encourage excessive watering. A pot about 1/4 the size of the leaves is just right.

As the bonsai ages, the bracts turn green and purple flowers appear. Verdantlyfe artwork


As the three-pepper fan flower ages, the bracts turn green and purple flowers appear. The purple flowers last only a few days, and then the whole plant begins to wither.

Just before this happened, the mother bonsai quickly “lay” 6 offspring, a miniature version of the mother plant. You can cut them off and plant them into new plants.