Brave Cat Loves To Cuddle With Endangered Black Rhino In Sweet

A cat in the Czech Republic has made an unlikely best friend- two of them in fact.

Video posted yesterday shows the affectionate feline cuddling up to a baby rhino at a zoo in the central European country.

The short clip has the small black cat sandwiched between two rhinoceroses- one tiny baby with its horn barely grown, the other a very large parent.

But the cat is not the least bit inᴛι̇ɱidated by its fellow roommates and is seen rubbing itself up against the baby, eventually trying it on with the adult rhino too.

Adorable footage shows fearless cat making friends with baby rhino

The rhinos, which can be dangerous animals when threatened, don’t seem to be the least bit fazed by the frisky feline.

They actually look like they’re loving the attention.

The cat cuddles up with a baby rhino at a zoo in the Czech Republic, pictured

The frisky feline moves towards the adult rhino and gives it a cuddle, pictured

The affectionate cat moves between the two rhinos at a zoo in the Czech Republic, pictured

The baby rhino appears to love its new feline friend and lets the cat rub up and down against it, pictured