Discover 17 Striking Indoor Houseplants Adorned with Gorgeous White Blooms

Looking for a houseplant with white flowers to spice up your indoor plant collection? There are actually a number of plants that can show off their white blooms indoors, so depending on your goals, you will have plenty of options! In this article, we take a look at our favorite indoor plants with showy white flowers!

Looking to add a new houseplant to your collection, but want to make sure it has white flowers? Luckily, there are ɱaпy different indoor houseplants that have white blooms! Depending on your preferences, each of them may likely fit a different gardening goal for your indoor garden.

Houseplants have dramatically increased in popularity through the last decade, and most houseplant enthusiasts are constantly seeking ways to diversify their indoor gardens. Someᴛι̇ɱes that means just adding a plant you wouldn’t normally be able to grow outdoors in your climate, especially if you live someplace cold, and love the look of warm, tropical white flowers.

The beauty of houseplants is that they can bloom in any home as long as they are well cared for. Any beginning gardener can start with a houseplant before moving to the less secure world of the outdoor garden as well. If you love white flowers and have been wanting a new houseplant, here are our favorite houseplants with white flowers!


Keep the Amaryllis in a well-lit area, preferably on a south, southeast, or southwest windowsill, out of direct sunlight.

Scientific name: Hippeastrum

The amaryllis flower is infamous for its incredible blossoms and hardiness. Although it only produces one to two flowers per bulb, multiple bulbs can be planted in each pot. The result is leafless stems with bright white blooms on top. Amarylli generally comes in red or white, but some have bright white petals with pink tints along the edges.

These bulbs will last for several years and keep producing flowers indoors, especially if you prune them when the flowers are wilting and keep them well-fed. Fertilization is crucial, but the most important step is to not overwater an amaryllis plant. If the soil is soaked, the bulb is likely to rot.

Angel Wing Begonia

Angel Wing Begonia is quite unpretentious and feels great in light partial shade.

Scientific name: Begonia

The angel wing begonia variety has white flowers, but the true star of the plant is the dark green leaves with red undersides. These leaves are large and shaped like angel’s wings, which gives the plant its name. Once it blooms, darling little white blooms sprout along the stem, adding a splash of white to the otherwise majestic plant.

The flowers of an angel wing begonia can be white, pink, orange, or red, but the most common color is white. The brighter the (indirect) light you grow these flowers in, the more flowers they will produce. If cared for correctly, you should see multiple seasons of blooming per year in this very large houseplant.


Anthurium leaves need to be dusted from ᴛι̇ɱe to ᴛι̇ɱe with a damp sponge or give the plant a “bath” in the bathroom, watering it from above and washing off the dust.

Scientific name: Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium plants come in several different colors, red and white being the most common. These flowers can bloom for months and don’t need much care, making them an ideal houseplant for beginning or forgetful gardeners. White anthuriums are especially beautiful, with singular stamen emerging from the middle.

Anthurium plants are from equatorial regions and thus need lots of heat and humidity. If you have an indoor greenhouse or sunroom, this is the perfect place to raise your anthurium plant. They are somewhat tolerant of low light conditions, and can survive with minimal maintenance. Avoid heaters or air conditioning units when placing these flowers, and be warned: they are toxic to pets and huɱaпs.

Baby’s Toes

‘Baby’s Toes’ is distinguished by its endurance, drought resistance, and rapid adaptation to new conditions.

Scientific name: Fenestraria rhopalophylla

Some of the white blooms on this list are enormous, but not the flowers on a baby’s toes. This tiny desert succulent is fascinating to grow, from its leaves that look like rocks to the sudden outburst of daisy-like flowers in autumn. It doesn’t require much water, but the “leaves” that look like rocks will get a little wilty to let you know it’s ᴛι̇ɱe for more water.

Baby’s toes are named because the small succulent stalks are reminiscent of a baby’s foot. They are small and protrude up, topped with rock-like leaves and eventually, tiny white flowers. Succulents are easy to care for and a unique addition to any houseplant collection.

Christmas Cactus

Keep Christmas Cactus in a bright place, out of direct sunlight. This plant does not like when the soil is dry or too wet.

Scientific name: Schlumbergera truncata

Another succulent plant, the Christmas Cactus is much larger than a baby’s toes. The flowers droop down gracefully from long chains of succulent leaves. It’s easy to care for throughout the year, with a simple watering schedule and several weeks of blooming.

Not to be confused with its close cousins the Easter and Thanksgiving Cacti, this succulent blooms throughout the winter. When given adequate heat and warmth, it can bloom through the coldest months of the year and bring bright white blooms to your home.

The Christmas Cactus can also survive a bit of neglect. This succulent can grow in low light conditions, provided it’s rotated into an area with indirect light as needed.

Crown of Thorns

In a cool place, Crown of Thorns can winter only with enough light and high soil temperature.

Scientific name: Euphorbι̇a milii ‘Creme Supreme’

Despite its Biblical and sobering name, the crown of thorns brings nothing but a delight to a home gardener. This plant is easy to care for and blooms throughout the whole winter and possibly the whole year, providing small, circular white blooms to make the coldest months slightly warmer.

The sharp, spiny stems are what got this plant its name. However, the flowers are also reminiscent of a crown, with two petals forming an almost perfect circle in bunches around the bush. If you plan on caring for a crown of thorns plant, keep in mind that it’s poisonous to pets, especially cats.


The Cyclamen flower should occupy the brightest and coolest place at home.

Scientific name: Cyclamen

Cyclamen is a potted plant with dark green and purple foliage, covered in bunches of white, pink, or red flowers. It’s especially popular around Christmas and Valentine’s Day because of its winter blooms and festive colors. However, the white flowers are easy to collect and add a touch of purity to the dark leaves.

Cyclamen’s flowers group together in bunches and are usually closed off to the sun. The petals don’t spread, but instead, form a small tent for the stamen. The result is a pretty dark bush with clusters of white. Cyclamen is also very easy to care for, making it an easy favorite.


Gardenias form a low bush about 3 feet tall with beautiful dark green shiny leaves, blooms from July to October with snow-white flowers.

Scientific name: Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenias are some of the most popular plants, in or outside the home. Gardenias usually grace a yard or garden with their lovely flowers and long, straight stems. However, they are easily potted and kept inside for year-round health and blooms. Gardenias come in multiple colors, including white.

When left untamed, gardenias can grow up to eight feet tall. Unless you have room for a very tall potted plant in your home, you’ll need to prune the them regularly to keep it ɱaпageable. Care for your gardenia plant, and it can last up to 50 years in your home, providing bright white fblooms throughout the year.


Geraniums are not resistant to extreme cold and low humidity in winter or scorching heat and high humidity in summer.

Scientific name: Pelargonium x hortorum

Geraniums come in all colors and are most often seen in gardens. They are sold as potted and plantable, both as annuals and perennial plants. However, you can grow geraniums as a houseplant for several years, even if you bought them as an annual flower.

These lovely bunches of flowers stand on straight, leafy stems. They can remain under a foot in their miniature form, or grow up to four feet tall. If they do become taller, you might need to repot them into a larger area or plant them outside so the roots don’t suffocate. Geraniums might be the prettiest flower on this list and are certainly the most popular.


Jasmine is best watered with rain, boiled, or filtered water.

Scientific name: Jasminum

Jasmine plants come in small vine bushes with tiny green leaves. When fed and watered properly, they will be covered in lovely, delicate white flowers. Although jasmine is a vine and can grow up to 15 feet, it is easily contained within a pot and grown indoors as a smaller potted plant.

Of course, flowers aren’t all about the color and size of the flower itself. One of the best things about jasmine is its clean, refreshing scent. If a potted jasmine plant is in a room it will make the entire room smell of jasmine, especially in the evenings when the flowers are opening. You won’t need an air freshener with this plant!


Kalanchoe is watered like all succulents – moderately during the period of growth and flowering in spring and summer, less often from autumn.

Scientific name: Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a unique house plant with bunches of small red or white flowers. White Kalanchoe is rarer than red but makes a beautiful little potted bush. Originally from Africa, this plant is used to occasional water and can be damaged by overwatering or not enough sunlight. Otherwise, it is remarkably easy to care for.

Although they don’t look like it, Kalanchoes are closely related to succulents. They can have up to 50 petals on each bunch of flowers, which blossom all over the plant. Even without blossoms, these little bushes have vibrant green leaves and make excellent houseplants. If you care for them well, they’ll last several years.

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley requires regular intensive watering to keep the soil moist all the ᴛι̇ɱe.

Scientific name: Convallaria majalis

Some of the smallest lilies in the natural world, these delicate flowers aren’t usually considered houseplants. They are most often seen blooming as wildflowers on the mountainside. However, they do come from bulbs and can be transferred to live-in pots if you like the look of them.

With large leaves and tiny, drooping flowers, the lily of the valley blooms throughout spring and early summer and can be convinced to bloom again. Make sure you put these small plants in larger pots because their roots are long and will spread. Don’t expose them to direct sunlight, but the more indirect light they get, the more likely they are to bloom.

Lily of the valley can be quite toxic, so keep them out of reach of small pets and curious children.

Moth Orchid

Moth Orchid needs diffused bright light or a little partial shade.

Scientific name: Phalaenopsis

Orchids are famous for their ability to grow indoors, even though they are a little more particular in their care than some of the plants on this list. Moth Orchids are a lovely white color with some pink streaks throughout and can last for decades if they’re well taken care of.

When taking care of orchids, it’s crucial to not overwater them or the roots will rot. However, you also have to take care not to let the flower dry out and fall apart. Indirect sunlight is essential, but too much will cause the plant to wilt. It’s a balancing act, but worth it for some of the classiest flowers available.

There are several varieties of orchids that can be white, but moth orchids are on this list because they can bloom several different flowers at a ᴛι̇ɱe. The butterfly and heron orchid are also white varieties, and they are each lovely in their own way.


Oxalis belongs to very shade-tolerant plants, which makes it easier to grow crops in the garden and at home.

Scientific name: Oxalidaceae

The Oxalis is not a plant you’ll find in the average nursery. It comes in two main varieties, and both have white flowers. One type of Oxalis has light green leaves, while the other (more striking) version has deep purple foliage. Both types are beautiful and the unique shape of the leaves makes the flowers stand out even more.

Oxalis are considered lucky plants because the leaves are shaped like the classic shamrock of Irish lore. These plants bloom with lily-shaped flowers multiple ᴛι̇ɱes throughout the year, especially if they’re kept inside.

Whether you find a regular or wine (purple) breed of Oxalis, you can consider yourself a lucky gardener.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are a common houseplant, and require abundant watering.

Scientific name: Spathiphyllum wallisii

Peace lilies aren’t technically lilies, but they are commonly referred to as such. These plants are a type of succulent plant and don’t have petals – they have different colored leaves. The white leaves act as a protective hood for the plant’s stamen but look like white flowers.

What makes peace lilies so popular is that they are easy to care for. They don’t need much water and prefer indirect, low light. This has earned them the nickname “closet plants,” because you could grow them in a closet. However, if they don’t get enough light, these plants won’t “bloom” with white leaves, so you’ll just have some lovely foliage.


Stephanotis is a beautiful vine with spectacular leaves and white flowers that bloom from May and all summer.

Scientific name: Stephanotis

Stephanotis is a hardy vine with white, star-shaped flowers. It is evergreen and will grow all year round, although it usually only flowers in the spring and early summer. Also known as Madagascar Jasmine, Stephanotis isn’t related to the famous fragrant flower. However, it does have a sweet little scent all its own.

These flowers have bright green shiny leaves with small delicate flowers. If it sounds familiar, it’s because you’ve probably seen it in a prom corsage or a wedding bouquet. Because Stephanotis flowers do well without water for a while, they’re a popular choice for cut floral arrangements

Unfortunately, the Stephanotis plant is not the easiest flower to care for. It requires the right amount of humidity, sunlight, and water all year round, and almost exclusively grows indoors (unless you live somewhere tropical). We wouldn’t recommend this plant to beginning botanists!


Tuberose has late flowering. The flowers usually appear between July and October.

Scientific name: Agave amica

The tuberose originated in Southern Mexico as a wild plant but has been cultivated to the point of becoming an ornamental household plant. It needs water to survive and plenty of sun to bloom, but when it does it has gorgeous white blooms that resemble lilies much more than they do roses.

These flowers are used in perfumes and will add a lovely fragrance to your home. If you’re sensitive to smells, you might want to open a window while they’re blooming, because tuberoses have a very strong scent. However, their bundles of flowers are delightful and add to the beauty.

Final Thoughts

No matter which of these lovely houseplants you choose, your home will be graced with beautiful white flowers for years to come. Keeping houseplants means that you can enjoy plants outside your regular hardiness zone without worrying about the weather, and these flowers will bloom for years under your care.