Enth?si?stic ??? ?nth?si?sts ??? ???zz with ?isc?ssi?ns ????t ? ??c?li?? ??j?ct st?m?l?? ???n in ? ??lish ????st, which h?s s???k?? c?nj?ct???s ????t ? ??t?nti?l c??sh?? ?li?n s??c?c???t. th? ?ni?m?tic ?n?m?l? w?s ?isc?v???? ???? within th? ??ns? w???l?n? ?? ??l?n? ?n? h?s ???n c??t???? in ? s??i?s ?? ?h?t?????hs ???t???? ?n th? l?c?l n?ws sit? ?ch??ni?.??.
th? im???s ???t??? ?n ??j?ct th?t ????s ? v???? ??s?m?l?nc? t? ?n ???lt-siz?? s??c? c??s?l? l?in? ?n its si?? ?mi? ? ??ck???? ?? t???s ?n? ?isc????? ??ttl?s. L???in? th? s??c?l?ti?n is ??? h?nt?? ?n? s?l?-???cl?im?? ?xt??t????st?i?l ?x???t, Sc?tt W??in?, wh? s????sts th?t this ?isc?v??? mi?ht ?? link?? t? ? ?????tt?n inci??nt inv?lvin? ? c??sh?? s??c?c???t.

In his m?sin?s ?n his ??? Si?htin?s ??il? ?l?t???m, W??in? ???ws ????ll?ls ??tw??n th? n?w???n? ??j?ct ?n? th? ??m??s K?cks???? ??? ?v?nt th?t t??ns?i??? in ??c?m??? 1965 in ??nns?lv?ni?. W??in? c?nt?n?s, “this ??j?ct is th? ?x?ct sh??? ?? th? ??m??s K?cks???? ??? th?t c??sh?? in ??c?m??? 1965 ?t K?cks????, ??nns?lv?ni?.”
th? K?cks???? inci??nt, ?n ?n???in? ?ns?lv?? m?st??? in th? ?nn?ls ?? ??? hist???, w?s m??k?? ?? ???witn?ss?s ?tt?stin? t? th? ???s?nc? ?? ? c???t, ?istinct ???m ? m?t???, th?t th? ?S milit??? ?????t??l? ??m?v?? ???m th? sc?n?. th? ?ni??nti?i?? ??j?ct w?s ??s??v?? m?kin? ? ??i??? ??sc?nt, ?lt??in? its t??j?ct??? ?w?? ???m ??si??nti?l ????s, ?n? ?v?nt??ll? ?nt??in? th? w???s ?? K?cks????.

Initi?l ??s??n???s n?t?? th?t th? ??j?ct w?s ???ti?ll? ???i?? in th? ????n?, with its st??ct??? c?m??s?? ?? m?t?l ?n? sh???? lik? ?n ?c??n, m??s??in? ????n? 10 t? 12 ???t in l?n?th. ?cc??nts ?ls? s??k? ?? ??zzlin? m??kin?s ??s?m?lin? hi????l??hics ?n ? ??n? n??? its ??s?, ?lth???h th?s? ??m?in ?nv??i?i??.
???wіп? ? ????ll?l ??tw??n th? n?w???n? ??lish ??j?ct ?n? th? K?cks???? ???, W??in? n?t?s th? simil??iti?s in ?im?nsi?ns ?n? sh???, ?v?n lik?nin? it t? ? s??c? c??s?l?. th? ???s?nc? ?? ??????nt h?l?s ?n th? si?? ???th?? ???ls s??c?l?ti?n ????t ??t?nti?l ?i??cti?n?l c?nt??l m?ch?nisms.
?s th? int?i??in? ?isc?v??? c?ntin??s t? c??tiv?t? th? ??? c?mm?nit?, th? ???sti?n ?? its ??i?ins ?n? ??ssi?l? im?lic?ti?ns ??m?ins sh?????? in m?st???, m?ch lik? th? ?ni?m?tic K?cks???? inci??nt.