“Elevate Your Home with Phalaenopsis Orchids: Planting and Care Tips from the Experts”

Phalaenopsis belongs to the largest family in the kingdom of trees, the Orchid family Orchidaceae. These are poisonous vacuum leaves with no lateral leaves, whereas the main branch continues to grow year-round and only an inflorescence can grow from one leaf axil. Phalaenopsis has fat leaves arranged in 2 symmetrical rows.

"NEAR BLOOM SIZE 03/02/2022. Spikes and open flowers not guaranteed ...

In nature, Phalaenopsis grows in all tropical Asia, The plant grows in the wild at day temperatures of 28-35°C, nights: 20-24°C and high relative humidity.

"NEAR BLOOM SIZE 03/02/2022. Spikes and open flowers not guaranteed ...

Phalaenopsis is shade-loving, the plant has the ability to absorb nutrients through the roots and leaves. The roots also act as anchors for the plant.

There are about 44 types of original varieties, growing in the Himalayas throughout Asia and into Australia. Vietnam has about 7-8 varieties. In 1750, G.E. Rumphius discovered Phalaenopsis but mistakenly thought it was an Angraecum and Carl Blume later discovered Phalaenopsis amabilis in 1825. In Latin, the word Phaluna means butterfly (moth) and opsis means like. Phalaenopsis is a single-stemmed, short-stemmed orchid, with large and hard leaves, long roots. Whole plants usually bloom in winter-spring, hybrids bloom all year round. If properly farmed, phalaenopsis orchids can live a long ᴛι̇ɱe. Some plants live for more than 18 years, then flower at the tops and then die.

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1. Experience when growing phalaenopsis orchids:

– Phalaenopsis orchids do not like to stagnate water on the leaves overnight. If water stagnates on such leaves, its leaves can become infected.

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– Phalaenopsis can give cotton in temperatures below 65 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 degrees Celsius. – Phalaenopsis is the orchid variety that gives the longest lasting cotton under ideal care conditions.

– Ho Diep likes to be wet.

– Ho Phap prefers to be grown in tight pots.

– Phalaenopsis prefers to grow in medium-sized substrates.

– Ho Diep does not like to dry out between two watering periods like some other orchids. Some types of orchids between 2 waterings require 1 dry period.

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2.Note: How to change Fahrenheit to Celsius:

°C = (°F – 32) / 1.8

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With Ho Diep, experience shows that there is no need for much watering, 1 week without watering can not die. But because Ho Diep is very fond of moisture, it is very susceptible to fungus, so it is necessary to regularly spray antifungal drugs. In the dry season, if the wind is abundant, the plant easily loses moisture, it is recommended to regularly check for additional irrigation. The rainy season should avoid rainwater stagnation on the leaves, do not let the rain directly on the leaves rot the leaves. Planted in a closed pot, if you want to keep moisture well, you should not water a lot to rot the roots. Plant airy, let the roots grow above, water regularly to retain moisture.

"NEAR BLOOM SIZE 03/02/2022. Spikes and open flowers not guaranteed ...

In terms of light, Ho Diep does not need much light, ɱaпy indoor plants near windows with glass, a little daylight can still give cotton. Ho Diep has the property of cotton, if you do not cut the nozzle when the cotton fades, so that 1 ᴛι̇ɱe that hose still gives branches to cotton. Therefore, if you take good care of the hose, the hose is large, you should leave the hose after the flowers fade, nourish the plant for 1 ᴛι̇ɱe to continue on that hose. But it should be noted that cotton orchids are often very weak, if they leave cotton for a long ᴛι̇ɱe, the plant will drown, the leaves will not be hard. People who know how to play often cut the hose after the flowers fade, or see that the plant is weak, cut the hose earlier. Then nourish the plant with 30-10-10 fertilizer for a while to get healthy before thinking about 6-30-30 to give another hose.

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Ho Diep is the orchid with the longest-lasting flowers. When there is cotton, if you do not water the ɱaпure, do not let water spray on the cotton, do not leave it in the sun, the cotton can play for up to 2 months. ɱaпchuria is also the most durable flower.