M?n???ct????: T?xt??n M??in? ?n? L?n? S?st?ms/Av?n??l? G?l????t M??in?.
S??vic?: USMC
P????lsi?n: 4x Alli??-Si?n?l TF-40B ??s t???in?s
A?m?m?nt: 2x G?n m??nts will s?????t M2HB .50 C?l m?chin? ??n; M240 7.62 mm m?chin? ??n; MK-19 MOD3 40 mm ???n??? L??nch??
S????: 40+ kn?ts (46+ m?h; 74.08 k?h) with ??ll l???.
R?n??: 300 mil?s
C??w: Fiv?
L???: 60 t?ns

Th? L?n?in? C???t Ai? C?shi?n, ?? LCAC, is ?s?? ??im??il? ?? th? U.S. M??in? C???s t? t??ns???t t????s ?n? ???i?m?nt ???m ?m?hi?i??s shi?s t? ?????ti?ns ?sh???. Th? LCAC is th? ?nl? t??ns???t th?t c?n t??ns???t ?n M-1 A???ms t?nk ???m ?n ?m?hi?i??s shi? t? th? ???ch.
Th? L?n?in? C???t, Ai? C?shi?n (LCAC) is ? hi?h-s????, ?v??-th?-???ch ??ll? ?m?hi?i??s l?n?in? c???t, c????l? ?? c????in? ? 60-75 t?n ???l???. Th? LCAC ???l??? c????ilit? ?n? s???? c?m?in? t? si?ni?ic?ntl? inc???s? th? ??ilit? ?? th? M??in? G???n? El?m?nt t? ???ch th? sh???. Ai? c?shi?n t?chn?l??? ?ll?ws this v?hicl? t? ???ch m??? th?n 70 ???c?nt ?? th? w??l?’s c??stlin?, whil? ?nl? ????t 15 ???c?nt ?? th?t c??stlin? is ?cc?ssi?l? ?? c?nv?nti?n?l l?n?in? c???t. C?nc??t D?si?n ?? th? ???s?nt ??? LCAC ????n in th? ???l? 1970s with th? ??ll-sc?l? Am?hi?i??s Ass??lt L?n?in? C???t (AALC) t?st v?hicl?. D??in? th? ??v?nc?? ??v?l??m?nt st???, tw? ???t?t???s wh??? ??ilt.
JEFF A w?s ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt ?? A???j?t G?n???l in C?li???ni?. JEFF B w?s ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt ?? B?ll A???s??c? in N?w O?l??ns, L??isi?n?. Th?s? tw? c???t c?n?i?m?? th? t?chnic?l ???si?ilit? ?n? ?????ti?n?l c????ilit? th?t ?ltim?t?l? l?? t? th? ?????cti?n ?? LCAC. JEFF B w?s s?l?ct?? ?s th? ??si?n ??sis ??? t????’s LCAC. Th? ?i?st LCAC w?s ??liv???? t? th? N?v? in 1984 ?n? Initi?l O????ti?n?l C????ilit? (IOC) w?s ?chi?v?? in 1986. A????v?l ??? ??ll ?????cti?n w?s ???nt?? in 1987. A?t?? ?n initi?l 15-c???t ?????cti?n c?m??titi?n c?nt??ct w?s ?w????? t? ??ch ?? tw? c?m??ni?s, T?xt??n M??in? ?n? L?n? S?st?ms (TMLS) ?? N?w O?l??ns, L?., ?n? Av?n??l? G?l????t M??in?, TMLS w?s s?l?ct?? t? ??il? th? ??m?inin? c???t. A t?t?l ?? nin?t?-?n? LCAC h?v? n?w ???n ??ilt. Th? ?in?l c???t, LCAC 91, w?s ??liv???? t? th? U.S. N?v? in 2001.

Th? L?n?in? C???t Ai? C?shi?n, ?? LCAC, is ?s?? ??im??il? ?? th? U.S. M??in? C???s t? t??ns???t t????s ?n? ???i?m?nt ???m ?m?hi?i??s shi?s t? ?????ti?ns ?sh???. Th? LCAC is th? ?nl? t??ns???t th?t c?n t??ns???t ?n M-1 A???ms t?nk ???m ?n ?m?hi?i??s shi? t? th? ???ch.
Th? L?n?in? C???t, Ai? C?shi?n (LCAC) is ? hi?h-s????, ?v??-th?-???ch ??ll? ?m?hi?i??s l?n?in? c???t, c????l? ?? c????in? ? 60-75 t?n ???l???. Th? LCAC ???l??? c????ilit? ?n? s???? c?m?in? t? si?ni?ic?ntl? inc???s? th? ??ilit? ?? th? M??in? G???n? El?m?nt t? ???ch th? sh???. Ai? c?shi?n t?chn?l??? ?ll?ws this v?hicl? t? ???ch m??? th?n 70 ???c?nt ?? th? w??l?’s c??stlin?, whil? ?nl? ????t 15 ???c?nt ?? th?t c??stlin? is ?cc?ssi?l? ?? c?nv?nti?n?l l?n?in? c???t. C?nc??t D?si?n ?? th? ???s?nt ??? LCAC ????n in th? ???l? 1970s with th? ??ll-sc?l? Am?hi?i??s Ass??lt L?n?in? C???t (AALC) t?st v?hicl?. D??in? th? ??v?nc?? ??v?l??m?nt st???, tw? ???t?t???s wh??? ??ilt.
JEFF A w?s ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt ?? A???j?t G?n???l in C?li???ni?. JEFF B w?s ??si?n?? ?n? ??ilt ?? B?ll A???s??c? in N?w O?l??ns, L??isi?n?. Th?s? tw? c???t c?n?i?m?? th? t?chnic?l ???si?ilit? ?n? ?????ti?n?l c????ilit? th?t ?ltim?t?l? l?? t? th? ?????cti?n ?? LCAC. JEFF B w?s s?l?ct?? ?s th? ??si?n ??sis ??? t????’s LCAC. Th? ?i?st LCAC w?s ??liv???? t? th? N?v? in 1984 ?n? Initi?l O????ti?n?l C????ilit? (IOC) w?s ?chi?v?? in 1986. A????v?l ??? ??ll ?????cti?n w?s ???nt?? in 1987. A?t?? ?n initi?l 15-c???t ?????cti?n c?m??titi?n c?nt??ct w?s ?w????? t? ??ch ?? tw? c?m??ni?s, T?xt??n M??in? ?n? L?n? S?st?ms (TMLS) ?? N?w O?l??ns, L?., ?n? Av?n??l? G?l????t M??in?, TMLS w?s s?l?ct?? t? ??il? th? ??m?inin? c???t. A t?t?l ?? nin?t?-?n? LCAC h?v? n?w ???n ??ilt. Th? ?in?l c???t, LCAC 91, w?s ??liv???? t? th? U.S. N?v? in 2001.

All ?? th? ?l?nn?? 91 c???t h?v? ???n ??liv???? t? th? N?v?. A S??vic? Li?? Ext?nsi?n P?????m is c????ntl? in ??????ss t? ??? 10 ????s ?? s??vic? li?? t? th? c???t ??si?n li??, ??l??in? th? n??? t? ???l?c? th?s? v??s?til? c???t.
A c?nt??ct w?s ?w????? t? T?xt??n, Inc. ?n 6 J?l? 2012 ??? ? n?w Shi? t? Sh??? C?nn?ct?? (SSC) c???t, t? ???l?c? th? ??ti?in? LCAC.