“Exploring the World of Jade Bindweed (Strongylodon macrobotrys)”

The vine in bloom

Scientific Name: Strongylodon macrobotrys A.Grey Nov.2012Popular name: jadevine Family: Angiospermae – Family PapilionoideaeOrigin: Philippines


A large scandent and voluble evergreen shrub that can reach about 12 to 15.0 m, very branched and densely foliaged. The leaves are composed of three oval, acuminate leaflets, leathery in consistency and shiny.

The flowers are half-moon oval, blue-green in color, very exotic, gathered in large pendulous inflorescences about 1.0 m or more long. Flowering occurs from spring to late summer, depending on the region.

Method of cultivation

It can be grown almost everywhere in the country where temperatures below 180C do not occur. The place of cultivation can be in the sun, but in places of hot summers it is recommended to locate it in the shade during the afternoon. A tall pergola is required, where its pendulous flowers will form colorful cascades. It is not suitable for walls or fences, the look would be impaired.

Various hanging jade vines

For cultivation substrate we recommend earthworm humus, organic compost and sand in equal parts. Mix in a bucket, adding 100 grams of bone meal. Dig a hole larger than the root ball, place part of the mixture on the bottom, accommodate the root ball and fill the sides with the rest.

Squeeze the substrate and water thoroughly. When this seedling is still in the initial phase of growth, it is very eager for water, but already adult and well acclimatized to the space, watering can be more spaced. The flowers are mainly pollinated by bats and wasps attracted to nectar.

For maintenance: fertilize the seedling every year in winter with the same material used for planting, always watering after addition. Pruning should not be frequent, just to control its size when it invades the space of other plants.


Close-up of vine in bloom

Restricted to regions with tropical and subtropical climates, it is excellent for pergolas in family living areas. The color of its flowers really catches the eye, achieving an excellent landscaping effect for patios with a pool.

Photo Gallery

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The Flower and the Leaf