Kiera is internationally recognized for her enchanting cat tattoos. They are so irresistibly cute, amusing, and unique that one would love to cuddle and pet them. However, tattoo artist Kiera harbors an unusual secret concerning cats.
Primarily originating and working in Australia, Kiera also travels extensively around the world. You can currently find the talented artist in London, but she will be visiting Amsterdam, Berlin, and Essen in October. Specific details about appointment possibilities and current guest appearances can be obtained through [email protected].

The aforementioned secret is rather peculiar. Kiera spends her entire day drawing and tattooing cats in all sorts of variations, situations, shapes, colors, and sizes. However, Kiera doesn’t own a cat herself; in fact, she is allergic to these adorable felines.
This, however, does not deter the Australian artist from continuing with her passion for her chosen subject. Most of her clients love the fusion of cats and the Asian style. The resulting mini-masterpieces are impressive one-of-a-kind works from the hand of a very talented and unconventional artist.