A filthy barn is surely not an ideal place for a Great Pyrenees, Lazarus, to spend his life. But he has been living here for six years until someone decided to help him. When Candice Skelton, a dog groomer, came and saw his living condition, she was shocked. Lazarus had been living in a filthy barn stall with his overgrown coat on, and there was so much dirt and feces blocking the door that it had to be shoveled away.

“From the looks of the dog and the door, it looked like it had been a while,” said Candice Skelton.
It turned out that the dog’s owners were terminally ill and weren’t able to take care of him, so he stayed in a feces-covered barn stall for six years. The poor dog was in such bad shape at the ᴛι̇ɱe. His fur had never been groomed or maintained but there was a lovely dog hidden beneath all that matted, filthy fur.

So the first thing Candice wanted to do after letting the dog out was shave off Lazarus’ dirty coat. However, it was difficult because his fur was tangled, matted, and dirty— and there was a lot of it.

In the end, Lazarus needed help from Candice and six other assistants to shave his fur. And when they were finished, he had shed an amazing 35 pounds of fur. For any size dog, that is a lot of weight!

Source: Suvinit Pornnavalai

Source: Suvinit Pornnavalai
Lazarus finally had the chance to reveal to the world his true self: a lovely and affectionate dog.
He could hardly walk before getting his hair cut. But now, he could not only walk but also run!

Source: Suvinit Pornnavalai
The next challenge for Lazarus was to get used to huɱaп contact. Although it was unfamiliar to him, there was nothing he could not adapt to.

Source: Aɱaпda Brooke Charsha-Lindsey
Lazarus will be taken by Big Fluffy Dog Rescue, which is willing to assist in finding him a new home. He is gradually learning what a dog’s life is supposed to be like after being placed in a foster home.

Source: Aɱaпda Brooke Charsha-Lindsey
Hopefully, Lazarus will soon locate a new residence where he will be showered with warmth and love. We know that Lazarus deserves better than that.

Source: Aɱaпda Brooke Charsha-Lindsey
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