Get Creative with These 50+ Fresh and Fun Patio Planter Ideas

While gardening directly in the earth is the most natural, holistic method for utilizing your green thumb and raising flowers and plants,

someᴛι̇ɱes you want to grow your garden even closer to home. Enter the patio planter: a container garden designed to flourish right on your

patio or deck.

We know that there are a lot of standard options you’ll find in any supply store, holding soil and plants perfectly adequately, but we wanted

to find the fresh, fun, and unique ideas out there. We have gathered some of our favorite finds right here in the hopes of inspiring our fellow

garden lovers.

You’ll notice both store-bought containers and idiosyncratic homemade solutions, ᴛι̇ɱe-tested setups and brand new ideas. In the quest to

create fantastic patio and deck-based gardening solutions, a surprising amount of innovation has happened.

We hope you enjoy browsing our selections, and feel as inspired as we do. Each of these projects sets off a dozen other ideas, expanding the

scope of what’s possible in our backyards. Let us know if you have any ideas of your own to share!