“Giant kіɩɩeг Whales сһаѕe Fishing Vessel Along California Coastline (VIDEO)”

A group of fishermen experienced quite a scare on the high seas when a pod of killer whales started chasing their boat.

Stunning footage shows three massive orcas leaping out of the water just feet behind the motor boat as it sped along the coast of Southern California near San Diego.

The people on the boat can be heard shrieking and cursing at the unbelievable sight.

A group of fishermen experienced quite a scare when three orcas started chasing their boat off the coast of Southern California, leaping up out of the surf just a few feet behind the vessel

The three orcas appear to be having a ball as they race through the clear blue water, periodically cutting up into the boat’s wake.

At several points in the four-minute video the fishermen think they’ve managed to shake the tailing sea creatures before the orcas pop back up again.

It’s unclear how long they managed to keep up with the vessel because the video cuts off.

The clip was posted to Jukin Media on Friday.

The three orcas appear to be having a ball as they race through the clear blue water. They managed to keep up with the boat for at least four minutes before the video cuts off