“Golden Radiance in Your Garden: Embrace Vibrant Yellow Flowers for a Captivating Landscape”

Today, we’ll be discussing how to grow and care for the common garden flower known as the forget-me-not. This plant is one of the easiest to care for, making it a great choice for beginner gardeners. ɱaпy of us may have fond childhood memories of wandering through the woods and picking forget-me-nots to weave into wreaths.

When planting this particular plant, it’s important to properly prepare the soil beforehand. Keep in mind that the swimsuit plant flourishes in shaded areas, as direct sunlight can cause it to quickly fade and shrink. Opt for well-drained, loose and moist soil when planting, as this will ensure the best results. Note that this flower can grow well in any soil, except for dry and sandy ones.

For planting, add 5-6 kilograms of peat with humus to the garden bed per square meter. Additionally, add a flower mixture to the soil, such as “Saintpaulia” or “Azalea”, and one tablespoon of nitrophosphate.

Propagating the swimsuit plant

Due to the uneven and slow germination of swimsuit plant seeds, it’s typically propagated by dividing the bush. Ready-made seedlings can be purchased at any flower shop and planted on well-shed and dug soil. Alternatively, you can use cuttings from the swimsuit bush. When digging out the plant, be careful not to shake off the roots, as they are quite delicate and can dry out quickly. This can make it difficult for the plant to take root in a new location, and as a result, it’s best to avoid frequent site changes. The swimsuit plant can live for several years without needing to be transplanted.

Midsummer is the most suitable ᴛι̇ɱe for transplanting, as the plant is dorɱaпt after blooming during this period. Use a sharp knife to dig up the bushes and divide them into several smaller divisions, with each having about 3-4 buds. The following year, bushes will grow from these seedlings, each having 5-6 peduncles.

Feeding and caring for the swimsuit plant

Young swimsuit plants should be watered well in dry weather. It’s important to water them frequently, but not abundantly. Note that this plant does not require shelter during winter, as it can tolerate it well. With proper care, any type of swimsuit plant will bloom almost every year.

When cultivating the swimsuit plant, it’s necessary to feed it with small doses of the following solution: mix one tablespoon of nitrophoska, the same amount of “Agricola” for flowering plants, and urea in 10 liters of water. It’s best to carry out such feeding in early May and repeat it before the plant blooms. After feeding, you’ll notice that the flowers become significantly more vivid and vibrant.

Growing swimsuit plants from seeds

To grow swimsuit plants from seeds, they should be planted in early January and kept at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees for 3 months. Afterward, transfer the boxes to a room with room temperature. When the first leaf appears on the seedlings, carry out a pick, or transplant. In August, the plant can be planted in a perɱaпent location, with a distance of 30-40 cm between plants. You’ll notice that your swimsuit plant will begin to bloom the following year.