“Heart to Hope: A Journey of Loss and Miraculous Renewal Just Four Days Later”

Like almost all couples, Katie and Josh Butler were over the moon when they found out they were becoming parents. They couldn’t wait to meet their baby. Every month they went for ultrasound and everything was going well. At some point, however, something changed…

At twenty weeks of pregnancy, the woɱaп’s gynecologist discovers that her baby had some breathing problems, but could not understand what it was. From this moment the nightmare began for this young couple. The doctors decided to give birth to Katie earlier than expected and finally decided to transfer Dewey, the baby, immediately to NICU, a hospital specializing in pediatrics. Unfortunately, despite the efforts to try to save his life, the little boy did not make it and died after one hundred and thirty-two days of fighting. His heart could not withstand the strain caused by an attempt to fit into a feeding tube.

Obviously, Katie and Josh were devastated, they didn’t know how to move forward. They turned to God, to try to ask for a miracle. In fact, on the very day when Dewey’s funeral took place, something really incredible happened. One of the nurses at NICU called this couple to tell them that on the fifth floor of that hospital there was a baby, named Brax, who was eleven months old and who had ɱaпy health problems. He was born premature at twenty-seven weeks. In all his months of life he had never left the hospital.

Ha avuto un’insufficienza respiratoria cronica, ipertensione polmonare e poteva vivere solo attaccato al macchinario che lo aiutava a respirare. Ma nonostante questo, hanno detto a Katie e Josh che poteva migliorare.

Ovviamente, non c’era dubbio su quello che avrebbe fatto la coppia. Infatti senza rifletterci hanno portato Brax a casa. Poi dopo alcuni mesi hanno potuto fare tutti i documenti per adottarlo. Ecco cosa ha dichiarato Katie:

“Once we brought him home his health started to improve. He still needs oxygen, but his nutrition and movement have improved so much. He recognizes us and smiles at us every ᴛι̇ɱe. We have all this love because of Dewey and now we want to give it all to Brax!”

We can only wish this sweet family our sincerest wishes. Share this beautiful story!