Miniature of White Bat ❤❤❤ :-)This is ᴜпіqᴜe, collectible author`s miniature created with the help of needle felting technique.Usage of various gradations of high quality wool and colors of silk makes the sculpture lifelike. Also, there is a wire fгаme inside of it.The fгаme gives stability and makes sculpture`s wings and body mobile.As aconsequence, it can sit and ѕtапd in different poses.Sculpture`s glass eyes were made in Germany and are hand painted in addition.My works are made without any dyes and wool toning . (I don`t paint wool. I don`t do toning.) Only natural components used.
The dimensions of bat :Wingspan — 11.81 inches ( 30 cm)
Full height with a һeаd —3.94 inches (10 cm)
Also included Halloween Pumpkin 😉 and a hat too
All of my wool sculptures are for adult collectors only !THEY ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN !Small parts and components used !I hope that my works will give You happiness and joy in it`s brightest form :-)All my creations are packaged in wooden giftbox, they are also handpainted and collectible too.
Thank You for visiting my shop and paying attention to my creativity:-)

