Meet Morocho, the Dogo Who Stole Two Little Girls By Beating A Puma. The legendary dogo engaged in a fierce struggle in order to save the children.

Ulises (the inventor’s grandson, Dr. Nores Martines) made the decision to go to La Cocha a few months ago to carry out some responsibilities. She took his daughter “Sofa,” who is 10 years old, since he wanted to travel and return on the same day. Travel went without a hitch.
Once reaching the estancia, the workers with “Tomás,” the foreɱaп, started doing some work. ‘Sofa’ and ‘Yoli,’ ‘Tomás’s’ daughter, requested permission to travel to a massive fig tree 700 yards from the main house in order to harvest and consume some figs.
Knowing that the best-tasting figs are typically found at the top of the tree, Yoli climbed to the highest branch she could find. There was only one problem. Not only had she climbed the tree, but others had as well.
When Yoli was about 7 feet above the earth, she began to hear sounds, such as branches twisting and leaves moving.

She was unaware that the same tree was home to a puma, also referred to as a mountain lion or cougar.
A HUGE puma was leaping down the upper branches when she raised her head to see. Yoli fell flat on her back from a height of two meters when the animal struck the child with one of its paws.

One of Ulises’ top dogs, Morocho, had been playingfully tail-wagging them as he almost always does when they cross the estancia.
When Morocho came face to face with a puma, the Dogo Argentino decided to give his life in order to save two little girls. Yoli’s father heard the girls sobbing and ran as quickly as he could.
Tomas Bracamonte said, “I thought it was a snake. “I arrived quickly. I moved as quickly as I could to get to them.

“When he arrived, he found Morocho. Despite suffering severe injuries, the dog was still alive. Puma eluded us and fled.
Due to Morocho, those two little girls are still living today. Millions of people throughout the world were shocked by Morocho’s valiant effort.
Godspeed, and keep us all in the care of our furry Angels! God be with him!
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