The T-45 team at Naval Air Station (NAS) Navaɩ Air Systems Command developed the first Autonomous Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) oᴜt-compliant aircraft in January 2023, according to a ѕtаtemeпt from the Florida-based Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). ADS-B is a system that broadcasts an aircraft’s current position, altitude, airspeed, identification, and other information over a common frequency. It is intended to replace or augment ground-based radar and enhance traffic flow.

The McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) T-45 Goshawk is a highly modified version of the British Aerospace (BAE) Systems Hawk initially designed as a training jet and aircraft. Manufactured by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) and British Aerospace (now BAE Systems), the T-45 is used by the United States Navy as an advanced carrier-capable trainer. The T-45 is used by the United States Naval Air Stations as an aircraft carrier-capable trainer. The T-45 Goshawk has its origins in the mid-1970s, during which time the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command initiated its search for a new jet trainer aircraft to serve as a single replacement for both its T-2 Buckeye and A-4 Skyhawk trainers.