Avi???s c?n?i?m?? ?n S??t?m??? 22n?, its int?nti?n t? ?st??lish ? st??t??ic ???tn??shi? with N?w T?chn?l??i?s Gl???l S?st?ms (NTGS), ? S??nish ????nc? in??st?? ??c?s?? ?n ?x??n?in? its ??sin?ss in th? int??n?ti?n?l m??k?t. Th? st??t??? is t? ??c?m? ? m?ltin?ti?n?l c?m??n? th????h ???tn??shi?s with S??nish c?m??ni?s ?n? th? c?ns?li??ti?n ?? ? E??????n s??si?i???. Th? ?????m?nt will ?ll?w th? c?m??n? t? ?i? ??? th? n?w Hi?h M??ilit? L??nch?? S?st?m (SILAM) ??????m ??? th? S??nish A?m?, with th? ?????cti?n ?? th? ASTROS Missil? ?n? R?ck?t A?till??? S?st?m, which is c?m??t-???v?n ?n? w?ll ?st??lish?? in th? w??l? ????nc? m??k?t. Th? t?chn?l??? t??ns??? ?? th? s?st?m ????s??n in th? c??????ti?n will ????n? ?n th? n???s ?? th? S??nish ??v??nm?nt, ?n? th? int?ll?ct??l ??????t? will ??m?in ?t Avi???s’ h???????t??s in B??zil. In ???iti?n t? ??c?sin? ?n its ?c?n?mic ?n? ?in?nci?l ??c?v??? t? inc???s? its ???tici??ti?n in th? int??n?ti?n?l m??k?t, Avi???s is ????tin? ? s??i?s ?? st??t??i?s ?n? ?cti?ns t? ??c?m? ?v?n m??? c?m??titiv?, incl??in? th? ?st??lishm?nt ?? st??t??ic ???tn??shi?s t? ???th?? st??n?th?n its ???t??li? ?? hi?h v?l??-????? ?????cts ?n? ???th?? ?x?l??? ?x???t ?????t?niti?s t? ?x??n? its ???s?nc? in th? ?l???l m??k?t.


Ast??s (A?till??? S?t???ti?n R?ck?t S?st?m) is ? s?l?-?????ll?? m?lti?l? ??ck?t l??nch?? ?????c?? in B??zil ?? th? Avi???s c?m??n?. It ???t???s m???l?? ??si?n ?n? ?m?l??s ??ck?ts with c?li???s ??n?in? ???m 127 t? 450 mm (5–17.72 inch?s). It w?s ??v?l???? ?n th? ??sis ?? ? T?ct??n VBT-2028 6×6 ?ll-t????in v?hicl? ??? ?nh?nc?? m??ilit? ??s?? ?n M??c???s-B?nz 2028 t??ck ch?ssis whil? l?t?? v??si?ns ?s? T?t?? 815-7 ch?ssis. A ??ll Ast??s s?st?m incl???s 1 wh??l?? 4×4 B?tt?li?n l?v?l C?mm?n? V?hicl? (AV-VCC), which c?mm?n?s 3 ??tt??i?s, ?n? ? s??i?s ?? 4×4 ?n? 6×6 wh??l?? v?hicl?s. In th? ?l??? v??si?n ?? th? s?st?m, th? ?i?? c?nt??l v?hicl? w??? list?? ?s ??ti?n?l v?hicl? in ? ??tt???. Th? c?mm?n? v?hicl?s ?n? w??th?? st?ti?ns ??? ??c?nt ???iti?ns, ??si?n?? t? im???v? ?v???ll s?st?m ??????m?nc? ?n n?w?? v??si?ns. All v?hicl?s ??? t??ns???t??l? in ? C-130 H??c?l?s. Th? l??nch?? is c????l? ?? ?i?in? ??ck?ts ?? ?i?????nt c?li???s ??m?? with ? ??n?? ?? w??h???s. E?ch ??ck?t ??s???l? t??ck c???i?s ?? t? tw? c?m?l?t? ??l???s.


Avi???s Unv?ils ASTROS III S?l?-?????ll?? Missil? ?n? R?ck?t-l??nchin? S?st?m
ASTROS III S?l?-?????ll?? Missil? ?n? R?ck?t-l??nchin? S?st?m. (Ph?t? ?? Avi???s)
Th? n?xt st?? is ?n ?m?iti??s ??????m, th? ASTROS III (ASTROS 2020), ??s?? ?n ? 6×6 wh??l?? ch?ssis. B?in? ? n?w c?nc??t, it will ????i?? ?n ?stim?t?? inv?stm?nt ?? R$1.2 ?illi?n, ?? which ????t US$210 milli?n will ?? inv?st?? s?l?l? in ??v?l??m?nt. It will ?? int????t?? with th? c??is? missil? AVMT-300 with 300-km ??n?? ???in? th? st??? ?? t?stin? ?n? c??ti?ic?ti?n. It is s?i? th?t th? v?nt??? will, ??? ?x?m?l?, ?n??l? th? A?m? t? int????t? th? Ast??s with ????ns? ?nti-?i?c???t ??ns, ??vin? th? w?? ??? th? ?tiliz?ti?n ?? c?mm?n ?l?t???ms, t??cks, ???ts ?? ?l?ct??nic s?ns??s ?n? c?mm?n? v?hicl?s. Th? n?w t??ckin? ????? ?s?? ?? MK6 AV-UCF w?s l?t?? ??v??l?? t? ?? th? Fi?l?????? 3 Milit??? M??s???m?nt S?st?m ???m Rh?inm?t?ll Ai? D???nc?. Th? Ast??s 2020 will ?ls? ?? ???i???? with ? 180 mm GPS-??i??? ??ck?t c?ll?? th? SS-AV-40G with ? ??n?? ?? 40 km (25 mi) ?n? SS-150 n?wl? ??v?l???? ??ck?ts with ? cl?im?? m?xim?m ??n?? ?? 150 km. F??? ?? th?m ??? c???i??. 36 Ast??s 2020 s?st?ms ??? t? ?? ?c??i???.


Avi??ás In?úst?i? A????s??ci?l, ??s?? in J?c???í, Sã? J?sé ??s C?m??s, B??zil, is ? ?iv??si?i?? B??zili?n c?m??n? which ??si?ns, ??v?l??s ?n? m?n???ct???s ????ns? ?????cts ?n? s??vic?s.[2] Its ??n?? ?? ?????cts ?nc?m??ss?s ??till??? ?n? ?i?c???t ????ns? s?st?ms, ??ck?ts ?n? missil?s s?ch ?s ?i?-t?-????n? ?n? s????c?-t?-s????c? w????n s?st?ms, incl??in? ??till??? ??ck?t s?st?ms; 70 mm ?i?-t?-????n? s?st?ms ?n? ?i??? ??tic m?lti-?????s? ??i??? missil?s. It m?k?s ??m????? v?hicl?s ?s w?ll. It ?ls? m?n???ct???s civili?n t??ns???t?ti?n th????h ? ?ivisi?n c?ll?? T?ct??n, t?l?c?mm?nic?ti?ns ???i?m?nt, ?l?ct??nic in??st?i?l ???i?m?nt (P?w??t??nics), ??t?m?tiv? ??intin? ?n? ?x?l?siv?s. With m??? th?n 60 ????s ?? ?x???i?nc? ?n? c??ti?i?? ?s ? St??t??ic D???nc? C?m??n? (EED), Avi???s h?s c?ns?li??t?? its ??siti?n ?s ?n? ?? th? w??l?’s l???in? c?m??ni?s in th? D???nc? ?n? A???s??c? s??m?nt, with th? ??v?l??m?nt ?n? m?n???ct??? ?? s??ci?l v?hicl?s ??? milit??? ?????s?s, ??c?min? ? ??????nc? in M?lti?l? R?ck?t L??nch S?st?m (MRLS), ??llistic ?n? ??i??? ??ck?ts, missil?s ?n? ?i?n???in? ???tici??ti?n in s??c? ??s???ch ??????ms.

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