If you’re looking for a tattoo that doesn’t look like the ink everyone else gets, Maori-influenced tattoos might be perfect for you. These designs, born from native New Zealander’s warrior culture, are sure to convey boldness and ferocity. We love these 81 tribal Maori tattoos; look through this gallery and see if you get inspired! We’re sure these looks will inspire you to choose one today! Why not take a look!! So take a look and choose one that will accent the masculinity and warrior in you!!!!!
1. Bicep and shoulder tattoo

This is classic placement for a Maori tattoo. It’ll draw attention to your masculinity and toned muscles. Show of your ɱaпhood by choosing one today if this look is yours!
2. Chest, upper arm, and shoulder tattoo

A design that extends onto your pecs will have a lifting and highlighting effect. All the guys will be envious! Pick one today if you like this look!
3. Back face tattoo

Back tattoos are more of a commitment, but they certainly pay off in terms of how awesome they look. The beauty of this tattoo will be worth the trouble. Don’t wait, pick one today if this one’s for you!
4. Shoulder and upper arm tattoo

This super-graphic design looks great in jet-black ink. Show off your biceps with this one! Choose one now, don’t wait! Get it today if this is the look for you!
5. Calf tattoo

The abstract stars and curlicues in this tattoo keep it looking unique. Add some class with this! Hurry! Pick one today if this is the look you desire!
6. Shoulders and back tattoo

Wow, we’re loving this design. The fish traveling up the wearer’s spine add a nice touch. Show your ɱaпliness. Rush and pick one today if this is the design for you!
7. Thin-lined shoulder tattoo

While this tattoo may feature thinner lines than most, it’s certainly no less brave in its graphic triangle patterns. Your biceps will be accented with this one. Pick one today if you just love this design!
8. Shoulder faces tattoo

Terrifying! Maori warriors often harnessed the power of scary faces to inᴛι̇ɱidate their enemies. Inᴛι̇ɱate those who oppose you. Pick one today and show your warrior-like personality if you simply love this look!
9. Geometric armband

This design, which is more subtle than most, still looks uber-cool. Show your uber-coolness is what you desire, do so by picking one today!
1o. Back and arm tattoo

This wearer really went all-out. For the guy who will stop at nothing short of extreme, a look like this would be perfect. Finish with a touch of class if you love this look, choose today!
11. Abstract wave tattoo

Surf’s up! The wave and turtle would look right at home on an aquatic acrobat. The warrior in you will love this one. If this is your type of tattoo, pick today!
12. Shoulder sun tattoo

The leaf wrapping around the sun gives this tattoo a textile-like quality that we’re really loving. The warrior inside you will show off your muscles. Hurry! Pick one today if this is the look you desire!
13. Shoulder curlicues tattoo

This tattoo uses blank space to great effect. Create some great designs to accent your biceps. Rush and choose one today if you simply have to have this look!
14. Forearm tattoo

This curving design, featuring a flower near the wrist, would look great on a sensitive guy. If you like showing your sensitive side, choose this today! And who doesn’t love a sensitive guy?!
15. Graphic wristband tattoo

This shaded bracelet-like design is simple and stunning. An instant bracelet you never have to take off. Pick one today if you’re just as stunned as we are!
17. Swirling scythes Maori tattoo

Sure, we may not know what this design represents. But its sharp lines are definitely modern and impressive. If you’re just as impressed, choose this one this one today!
18. Clean-lined armband

A classic look for the modern-day warrior to show off his uber-coolness. Show off your uber coolness by picking today if this is the look for you!
19. Classic swirls tattoo

The swirls accent the shoulder in this modern design. The swirl seashell design will show off your shoulder for that classic feminine touch. Pick one today if this is the look for you!
20. Armband

Classic look for any ɱaп. Perfect for any ɱaп who desires this classic look. Pick one today if you love this look!
21. Arm tattoo

With the geometric designs, accents the arm perfectly. The tattoo design looks like a sleeve to an undershirt. Choose this if you’re in love with the geometric look!
22. Arm tatto0

The turtle is the perfect twist to this design. Show off the inner warrior inside you. Choose today if this one is your look!
23. Chest-shoulder-arm

Perfectly accented to show off the chest and biceps. If you love to show off the chest and biceps, pick today! A perfect accent for men. If you love this one, pick this one today!
24. Arm tattoo

Mask surrounded by intricate design. Perfect to show off the warrior inside you. Pick one today if this is the look for you!
25. Another arm tattoo

An intricate design wrapped in more intricate design. Wrap yourself in this design and choose today if you love this look!
26. Arm/shoulder band

Intricate detailing in this arm and shoulder design. Show off your biceps with this intricate design. Choose this today if this is your design!
27. Feather design

Intricate detail in this feather-type tattoo that extends down the arm. Another perfect design for that added touch. If you like this classic feather look, choose this one today!
28. Arm tattoo

Intricate detailing extending from shoulder down to elbow. Make others envious with this design. Pick this one today if this is the look for you!
29. Leg tattoo

Intricate detailing from thigh to ankle. Show off the leg muscles for a ɱaпly look. If you love this look, choose today!
30. Shoulder/arm tattoo

Another shoulder/arm tattoo with graphic detailing. This design shows off the biceps perfectly. Pick this today if this is your look!
31. Arm tattoo

Intricate design that compliments the arm. If you like this one, choose today for that classic sleeve-like quality that will compliment your arm! Pick one today if you love this look!
32. Arm tattoo

Arrows in this intricate design complement the arm. The upward arrows will show a positiveness in your life today. Chose one today if this is your look!
33. Leg tattoo

Two different designs compliment each leg in this intricate tattoo. The perfect look to complement any leg. Two different looks for each leg. Choose this today and show off your legs!
34. Arm tattoo

Another intricate design that extends the length the arm. Another look for that sleeve-like look. Hurry! Pick this today if this is your look!
35. Arm/shoulder/chest tattoo

Intricate detail in this tattoo complements the muscles. Show off your ɱaпliness with this design. Pick this look today if you love this look!
36. Arm/shoulder tattoo

Intricate detailing complements the arm. Another design to show off your ɱaпliness. Pick this look today if this is your look!
37. Arm/shoulder/chest tattoo

Intricate design complements the muscles in this tattoo. We love this look, which is perfect for that ɱaпly look. Choose this today if you’re dying for this look!
38. Arm tattoo

Intricate design looks like the sleeve to an undershirt with this tattoo. Another look to show off your ɱaпliness. If you like this look, pick this one today!
39. Shoulder/arm tattoo

Intricate detailing extending from shoulder to elbow. No need for a shirt with this classic design. Show off this tattoo if you like this! Hurry and pick today!
40. Chest tattoo

Even with the hair shaved complements the chest. Who needs a shirt with this look! If this is your look, pick this one today!
41. Arm tattoo

Intricate detailing extending from shoulder to elbow. Pick one today and you’ll never wear long sleeves again! Hurry and get this one!
42. Matching arm tattoos for him/her

Matching tattoos for couples. Show your love with this. She’ll love you for it. Pick this one today if you like this look!
43. Arm/finger tattoo

Intricate detail that extends from shoulder down to the third nail of the the third finger. If you like this look, pick today!
44. Back/arm tattoo

Intricate detail that covers the back and arms. There’ll no need for wearing a shirt with this classic warrior design. Pick this one today if you like this look!
45. Shoulder/arm tattoo

An intricate tattoo extending from shoulder to mid upper arm. Another look for that ɱaпly warrior in you. Choose one today if this one is for you!
46. Face/neck tattoo

Intricate detail that covers the face and neck. A classic look for the warrior inside of you. If you like one for your face, choose this one today!
47. Leg tattoo

Intricate design that could resemble a stocking. There’ll be no need for stockings with this classic tattoo. If this is your look, pick today!
48. Arm/shoulder/chest tattoo

More intricate tattoo design to complement the arm, chest and shoulder. We’ve seen ɱaпy of these types, but we never tire of seeing them. Pick one today if this is the design for you!