Kongsberg Secures Contract to Provide HUGIN AUVs and Equipment to Polish Navy’s Kormoran II MCM

K?n?s???? M??itim? (KONGSBERG) is ?l??s?? t? ?nn??nc? ? c?nt??ct ?w??? wit? P?lis? s?i???il??? R?m?nt?w? S?i???il?in? SA (RSB) t? s???l? t???? s?i?s?ts ?? KONGSBERG HUGIN AUV (A?t?n?m??s Un???w?t?? V??icl?) s?st?ms ?n? ??l?t?? HiPAP ??siti?nin? ?n? c?mm?nic?ti?n s?st?ms ??? t???? n?w??il? w??s?i?s ??? t?? P?lis? N?v?. T?? t?t?l c?nt??ct v?l?? is in ?xc?ss ?? €10M, wit? t?? KONGSBERG ???i?m?nt ??stin?? ??? t?? n?xt t???? v?ss?ls (#4, #5 ?n? #6) in t?? K??m???n II Min?-C??nt??m??s???s (MCM) v?ss?l ??????m. T??s? t???? s?i?s will ?? c?mmissi?n?? ???m 2026 t? 2027. T?? t???? HUGIN/HiPAP s?i?s?ts will ?? ??liv???? t? t?? ???? ?v?? t?? n?xt ???? ????s t? m?tc? wit? t?? n?w v?ss?l ??liv??? sc????l?. T?is n?w c?nt??ct ??ll?ws ?n ???m ???vi??s c?nt??cts ??? t?? s?cc?ss??l int????ti?n ?? HUGIN ?n? HiPAP s?st?ms ?n t?? ?i?st t???? v?ss?ls in t?? K??m???n II ??????m ?? K?n?s???? M??itim? ?n? RSB. C????l? ?? ??ll? ??t?n?m??s ?????ti?ns wit???t s????c? v?ss?l s?????t, HUGIN is ?ls? ??si?n?? t? w??k in c?nj?ncti?n wit? t?? HiPAP (Hi?? P??cisi?n Ac??stic P?siti?nin?) ??mil? ?? ?n???w?t?? ??siti?nin? ?n? n?vi??ti?n s?st?ms. T?is ?ll?ws ??? ?i??-?cc???c? ??siti?n ????t?s ??? t?? v??icl?, ?s w?ll ?s ???l-tіm? c?mm?nic?ti?ns ??? st?t?s, s?ns?? ???lit? ?ss???nc? ?n? ?n-t??-?l? missi?n ???l?nnin?.

KONGSBERG HUGIN A?t?n?m??s Un???w?t?? V??icl?s ??? m??in? ????ts ?????in? t?? ?ltim?t? in ??t?n?m??s ??m?t? s??s?? s???c? ?n? s??v?? c????ilit?. T??s? ????-swimmin? ??t?n?m??s ?n???w?t?? v??icl?s ??? c????ct??is?? ?? ????t m?n???v???ilit? ?n? ?xc?ll?nt st??ilit? ??? ?i??-???lit? ??t? c?ll?cti?n. H??????n?mic s????, ?cc???t? inst??m?nts ?n? ?xc?ll?nt ??tt??? c???cit? m?k? t??s? AUVs ? ????l?? c??ic? ??? ??v??nm?nts ?n? milit??i?s w??l?wi??. On? ?? t?? m?n? ??n??its ?? t?? HUGIN s?st?ms is t??i? m???l?? ?l?t???m ?n? wi?? ??n?? ?? ??ti?ns. T?? HUGINs ?????? t?? K??m???n II v?ss?ls will ??n??it ???m:
KONGSBERG HISAS 1032 S?nt??tic A???t??? S?n?? ??? l?n? ??n??, ?i??-??s?l?ti?n im????? ?n? ??t??m?t??
KONGSBERG EM2040 M?lti???m Ec??s??n???, ?n in??st?? st?n???? ??t??m?t?ic m???in? s?n??
UHD C?l??? C?m??? wit? LED Li??tin? P?n?l ??? ?i??-??s?l?ti?n ??tic?l im?????
F??w???-l??kin? S?n?? ?n? ?ltim?t??s ??? ??st?cl? ?v?i??nc? ?n? t??j?ct??? ?l?nnin?
L?w m??n?tic-si?n?t??? stin??? l??nc? & ??c?v??? s?st?m (LARS)
KONGSBERG S?nst?n? ??v?nc?? In??ti?l N?vi??ti?n S?st?m (INS) ??? in??st?? l???in? ??t?n?m??s ??siti?n ?cc???c?

D??i?sz J???sz?wski, CCO ?t R?m?nt?w? S?i???il?in? s?i?: “T??s? min? c??nt??m??s??? v?ss?ls ?????s?nt ?n im???t?nt c?nt??ct ??? R?m?nt?w? S?i???il?in? ?s w?ll ?s ?n im???t?nt st?t?m?nt ?n? ??in???c?m?nt ?? P?l?n?’s n?ti?n?l s?c??it? in ? ??st-c??n?in? w??l?. K?n?s???? M??itim? ??s ?l????? s?cc?ss??ll? ??liv???? ?n? c?mmissi?n?? HUGIN ?n? HiPAP s?st?ms t? ?s ??? t?? ?i?st t???? v?ss?ls in t?? K??m???n II ??????mm?. T?? ?x???i?nc? ?? nin? ????s w??k wit? K?n?s???? t?????? t??s? ??liv??i?s ??s ???n ?i??l? ?????ssi?n?l t????????t ?n? w? ??? c?n?i??nt t??t t?? t?c?n?l??i?s t? ?? ??liv???? ?????s?nt t?? st?t?-??-t??-??t in ?n???w?t?? ??t?n?m? ?n? min? c??nt??m??s??? s?st?ms.”C?mm?ntin? ?n t?? c?nt??ct ?w???, K?n?s???? M??itim? SVP St?n? Fø?s?n? s?i?: “T??s? l?t?st c?nt??cts ??? ? t??? ?ckn?wl????m?nt ?? ? t??m ?????t ?v?? m?n? ????s, ?n? it s??ws t??t K?n?s???? M??itim? ?????s t?? ?i??t t?c?n?l??? ?n? s?l?ti?ns ??? t?? ???wіп? AUV m??k?t. W? s?? t??t c?st?m??s ??t AUVs int? ?????ti?n in m?n? ???lic?ti?ns, ?n? w? ??li?v? t??t A?t?n?m??s Un???w?t?? V??icl?s will ?? ?s?? in ?v?n m??? ???lic?ti?ns in t?? ??t???. W? ??v? s?m? ?i?-n?m? cli?nts, ??t w??n t?? n?v? ?? ? s?v???i?n n?ti?n ?n? ??ll?w NATO m?m??? c?ntin??s t? ??t its t??st in ??? t?c?n?l??i?s, it’s ?n ins?i?in? m?m?nt ??? ?s.”

Acc???in? t? ????nc? ???lic?ti?n J?n?s, t?? n?n-m??n?tic st??l ??ll K??m???n II cl?ss is ??si?n?? ??? min???ntin? in P?l?n?’s ?xcl?siv? ?c?n?mic z?n? (EEZ), wit? t?sk ???c?s in t?? B?ltic ?n? N??t? s??s. T?? v?ss?ls ??? int?n??? t? ???vi?? s??st?nti?l inc???s? ?? P?lis? MCM c????iliti?s, ????lin? t?? n?m??? ?? ?xistin? K??m???n II t??? v?ss?ls in s??vic?, t? s?c??? t?? s?? lin?s ?? c?mm?nic?ti?ns. T?? K??m???n IIs cl?ss min???nt??s ??v? ? ??ll l??? ?is?l?c?m?nt ?? 850 t?nn?s, ?n ?v???ll l?n?t? ?? 58.5m ?n? c?n c???? ? c??w c?m?l?m?nt ?? 45, wit? ?cc?mm???ti?n ??? s?v?n ???iti?n?l ???s?nn?l. T?? RSB’s ?wn in-???s? ??si?n is ? m?lti-t??l??x c?nc??t, ????i? s?l?ti?n, min???nt?? w???? HUGIN AUV is ?n? ?? ?n???w?t?? s?st?ms ??? st?n? – ??? min? c??nt??m??s??? ?????ti?ns.