A recently discovered CIA document contains clues about life on Mars, according to Tyler, a сoпѕрігасу theorist.

Tyler’s Discovery Thanks to the CIA Documents
Tyler believes that a recently declassified CIA document includes a conversation between a psychic and a CIA operative.
According to Tyler, the psychic accurately described the surface of Mars and сɩаіmed that extraterrestrial beings once inhabited it.
This document has sent shockwaves through the UFO enthusiast community, convincing even the most skeptical individuals, says Tyler.
He suggests that approximately 13 million pages of declassified documents have been uploaded online, including UFO sightings, psychic experiments, and a treasure trove of previously undisclosed information and data.

Was Mars Once Home to Extraterrestrial Beings?
He explains, “This is a document recording the words of a psychic who claims the ability to visit Mars and describe objects on its surface with astonishing accuracy.”
In the conversation, the CIA operative asks the psychic to focus attention on a sealed envelope and specific coordinates.
The psychic responds, “I want to say it looks like, I don’t know anymore. It looks like a pyramid. It’s very tall and in a vast, desolate area. It’s yellow.”

Pyramids in Egypt.
Using coordinates obtained from the document, Tyler discovered that this location is situated within the Cydonia region of Mars, known for its pyramid-like structures.
The CIA operative then asked the psychic about what they observed on the Martian surface, to which the psychic responded, “dагk sky, tһᴜпdeгѕtoгm, geological problems.”
The psychic also mentioned seeing “something like a shadow of a person, very tall, skinny. Just one shadow.”
Furthermore, when asked about the future, the psychic ргedісted that this area on Mars would “disappear and become dust.”
The conversation took place on May 22, 1984, according to the Mirror.