In Western countries, they see dogs as members of their own family. Especially with young children, dogs are one of their closest friends and also their first friend in life. The story below will probably be the most appropriate example for your reference.
A social media account shared an image of a brave dog standing up to protect and shield the little owner that has attracted the attention of netizens. Immediately, the story of a dog who disagrees and protests when he sees the father holding a wooden stick to scold his little owner captured the heart of the netizen. Seeing the moment the little owner slipped into the shelter of the foster dog looked so adorable.

According to research, the son made a mistake, so he was scolded by his father, sadly sitting in a corner looking lonely and ashamed. Later, unable to contain his anger, the father found a long, round wooden stick with the intention of “pitying the whip” of his son. Witnessing this action of the big boss, feeling that the atmosphere was not good, the dog rushed up to stop and block the wooden stick with his two legs. Then the dog turned around and comforted the crying little master in his arms. The golden dog hugged the boy until the father put down the wooden stick and did not want to punish his son anymore. Then, even though the whip had been put away, the dog was still wrapped around the little master without leaving, perhaps wanting to comfort the wounded young heart.

Not only did he prevent his father from hitting the boy, but the act of the dog hugging the boy from behind as if he would take the blow on behalf of the boy made netizens admire. It’s just a dog, but how can you be so understanding and forbearing! It was also thanks to this adorable act that made the boy’s father laugh and decided to spare both of them.

The dog in this story belongs to the Golden breed, which is also a great companion of children. Usually Golden dogs adopted by families never show anger or show an unpleasant attitude to the children’s pranks. He was even somewhat yielding and very responsive to the boys’ pranks. Therefore, a lot of people have chosen this breed to raise and keep their children company.
In addition, through the short story above, it can be seen that babies and dogs always have an inᴛι̇ɱate and close relationship. Not only a friend, dogs also bring a sense of security and teach children ɱaпy life skills!
In the past, the online community has ɱaпy ᴛι̇ɱes “laughed” at the adorable expressions of dogs. The most prominent is a dog that was fined by its owner for stealing chicken eggs. The image of the dog mouthing the egg with sparkling eyes, and the expression “innocent of countless sins” made the online community both loving and funny.
According to the person who posted the image, this animal has stolen chicken eggs ɱaпy ᴛι̇ɱes. Normally, he just “feeds” on his own but now brings his children with him. At the ᴛι̇ɱe of his arrest at the battle, his mouth was still full of the egg before he could “kill”, the owner was forced to think of the appropriate punishment to “deter” him.