Melting һeагt! Admire the Splendor of Queen Alice: A Feline of Royalty

Meet Alice, the аdoрted cat to whom the word “beautiful” simply doesn’t do justice. Just look at her posing in all of her royal fluffiness and glory – she’s the queen!


The 6-year-old Persian mix is very picky with her food and personal space. “She has a big attitude and loves attention but only on her terms!” her owner Yara told Bored Panda. “She doesn’t like to be stroked/carried/touched unless she approaches first.” The feline likes to flaunt her gorgeous looks by wearing collars – she even has a crystal encrusted one. She’s also quite a traveler!

“She has lived in 4 countries (Saudi Arabia, Germany, the Netherlands, England) and has a passport and travels with me on the plane,” Yara explained.



